So flat, the english translator did not translate what it actually said. So again still no "beast of burden" in the bible.
Why God created predators and beasts
by EndofMysteries 74 Replies latest watchtower bible
Theocratic Sedition
Love or hate her, Shelby at least had a certain measure of talent when it came to threads like these.
kingsolomon, being most active during the day, so they prefer shady areas or open sun areas?
Anyway I am going now. So will be a few hours atleast till I answer anything else if anybody asks any questions.
What difference would that make? They are out in the daytime, when you've clearly said that bad things only come out at night time. Tell your God to check his sources, and to ALWAYS READ THE LABEL.
And I'm still trying to find a reason why the word 'beast' would only ever mean a hunter? You show a double standard by using the English translation for an old Hebrew/Greek word in the Bible, but critisize us when we talk about things that are - in our modern tongue - considered 'beats'.
Or are you using the word and making your own defenition, set to include only animals that hunt in the night time?
King Solomon
EOM, the problem with your hypothesis of "the bad things come out at night" is that the animals come out at night for a reason: they are hungry, and are looking to eat OTHER animals that are active at night! See the problem? The predator is looking for prey, but the prey ALSO is looking for something to predate (eat). It's the same dynamic that happens during the day, only at night.
I'd highly recommend you take a basic course in biology (which is a pre-req before you can take an entomology course), and get back to us after you do.
In the meantime, the terms you're looking for are nocturnal (active at night)/diurnal (active during the day):
List of "Evil" animals, per your interpretation (and I'd actually agree on the gerbil and hamster being considered as "evil", LOL!):
This is a list of nocturnal animals and groups of animals. Birds are listed separately in the List of nocturnal birds.
- Aye-aye [ 1 ]
- Badger [ 2 ]
- Bat [ 3 ]
- Bat-eared Fox [ 4 ]
- Beaver
- Binturong [ 5 ]
- Bilby [ 6 ]
- Galago (Bushbaby) [ 7 ]
- Bush Rat [ 8 ]
- Caracal [ 9 ]
- Cat [ 10 ]
- Catfish [ 11 ] [ 12 ]
- Cockroach [ 13 ]
- Cougar [ 14 ]
- Coyote [ 15 ] [ 16 ]
- Cricket (insect) [ 17 ]
- Cyprus Spiny Mouse [ 18 ]
- Dingo
- Dwarf crocodile
- Eastern Woolly Lemur [ 19 ]
- Firefly [ 20 ]
- Flying Squirrel [ 21 ] [ 22 ]
- Gerbil [ 23 ] (some are diurnal or crepuscular [ 24 ] )
- Great Grey Slug [ 25 ] [ 26 ]
- Hamster [ 27 ] [ 23 ]
- Hedgehog [ 28 ]
- Hyena
- Hermit Crab [ 29 ] [ 30 ]
- Kangaroo (most, a few are crepuscular) [ 31 ]
- Koala (mostly nocturnal) [ 32 ] [ 33 ]
- Hoffmann's Two-toed Sloth [ 34 ]
- Iranian Jerboa [ 35 ] [ 36 ]
- Kinkajou [ 37 ]
- Kit Fox (mostly) [ 38 ]
- Leopard [ 39 ]
- Lion (bordering on crepuscular) [ 40 ] [ 41 ]
- Lycaon pictus (also called the African hunting dog) (bordering on diurnal)
- Margay [ 42 ]
- Mink (bordering on crepuscular) [ 43 ] [ 44 ]
- Mole [ 45 ]
- Mouse [ 46 ] [ 47 ]
- Nine-banded Armadillo [ 48 ] [ 49 ]
- Octodon(except the diurnal degus species) [ 50 ] [ 51 ]
- Oncilla [ 52 ] [ 53 ]
- Ocelot
- Opossum [ 54 ] [ 55 ]
- Panamanian Night Monkey [ 56 ] [ 57 ]
- Pangolin [ 58 ]
- Paradoxical Frog [ 59 ] [ 60 ]
- Porcupine [ 61 ]
- Possum [ 62 ]
- Python regius [ 63 ]
- Rabbit rat [ 64 ]
- Raccoon [ 65 ] [ 66 ]
- Ratel (Honey Badger) [ 67 ] [ 68 ]
- Red-eyed Tree Frog [ 69 ] [ 70 ]
- Red Fox
- Scorpion [ 71 ]
- Skunk [ 72 ]
- Slow Loris [ 73 ]
- Spectacled Bear [ 74 ]
- Sportive lemur
- Tapeti [ 75 ] [ 76 ]
- Tarantula [ 77 ]
- Tarsier [ 78 ]
- Tiger (most species) [ 79 ] [ 80 ]
- Western Woolly Lemur
- White-faced Storm-petrel (when caring for young) [ 81 ]
- White-tailed Deer (or crepuscular) [ 82 ]
- Wombat [ 83 ]
- Gray Wolf
And I'm still trying to find a reason why the word 'beast' would only ever mean a hunter? You show a double standard by using the English translation for an old Hebrew/Greek word in the Bible, but critisize us when we talk about things that are - in our modern tongue - considered 'beasts'.
This was why I brought up the common term "beasts of burden". Beast does NOT mean preadator - it traditionally just means a large animal.
It got turned (weirdly) into some kind of a challenge to find a scripture which says "beast of burden" - as if there is no such thing as a beast of burden unless it says that term in the bible. Good grief, Charlie Brown.
The crazy train is off the tracks here, and the boiler on the steam engine is about to explode.
Canadian Mosquitoes don`t care what time of day they Suck your Blood..
They have daytime mosquito nets in Canada, OUTLAW...also deep woods bug spray.
Hey JW..
Mosquitoes can get bad here..
Sometimes they look like small dark clouds theres so many of them..
Mosquitoe Traps work great..