I'm sure he's thinking "they won't let me back because I proved them all wrong." Last night I read through his "great crowd" thread. He was on his high horse until leolaias post. He said "I will research it" and then promptly had to shut up because her argument was air tight.
Thinking of becoming a JW.
by Kate82 231 Replies latest watchtower medical
I was lurking around Topix when the subject of JWN came up. A cetain poster started a rant about JWN and Simon calling him several nasty names. Some one posted "kicked you out did he?", someone else posted "yes, twice". I had to laugh. Simon does a very good job of keeping this forum a great place to be. If you don't think he is doing a good job moderating, spend a little time on Topix, you will see what happens when the inmates run the the asylum.
Black Sheep
I wonder when/what Recovery will return
...and until then, are you going to chase off every newbie that sticks their head up, Jookie?
That was some pretty flimsy 'evidence' for Kate being a troll. Erring on the side of caution wouldn't be a mistake that affected anyone.
Fair point BS
Can i just clarify. I am not here to cause trouble.
I am honestly looking for guidence and a religon that could help me. I am suffering from depression and so my mood is up and down.
I know the name of the bible because i havebeen sent some lovely pm's from people guiding me to other websites and i have looked on the web its not hard to find out things like that.
All i ask is that u all give me a chance and dont jump to conclusions about me. After all we are all meant to be
good people and not judge each other.
Its only fair to research both sides of any argument before making a decision. I am genuinly worried thou as i am very easily ld at the moment
As i am very easily led at the moment.
Please dont accuse me of things im not, its hard enough dealing with depression without being "bullied" by strangers :(
Some people here are paranoid, just ignore them. Most people here are really good, smart, and can answer any question you have. If you do want to study, which probably we would all suggest you not, but if you do, you can freely ask questions here.
Take your time with the study, check the facts and have confidence that you can make a good decision for yourself.
Sorry to hear you are depressed. What part of the witness doctrine interests you the most, right now. What made you agree to a study ?
keyser soze
Please dont accuse me of things im not, its hard enough dealing with depression without being "bullied" by strangers :(
Try not to take it personally. You have to understand the dynamic of this forum. It's filled with people who were lied to for many years by people they trusted. Now their BS detectors are working overtime. And some get a little overzealous in calling out every newbie as a troll, even those sincerely looking for answers.
"As i am very easily led at the moment."
Stay away from religion, in this case. Otherwise, you could easily get recruited into a destructive group. There are thousands of them out there.
Are you getting treatment for your depression?
Witness My Fury
Kate82, a bit late now to worry about being identified with a screen name of Kate and the year you were born LOL.
You are absolutely correct to research BOTH sides of the issue. The JWs you are involved with will likely give tacit approval for such "fair" research too, UNTIL it conflicts with what they are telling you, then it will be a problem and the attitude will change entirely and satan will be dragged into the equation (a great fear tool if ever there was one!) to make you think you are being manipulated by the agent s of darkness.
Look, take it from me, it's a cult. I was born into it and had little chance of getting a fair and unbiased decision into the matter. Only when I appoached 40 did I do the 'due diligence' research into it to make sure i wasnt being duped. Guess what? Yep, I was / had been duped my entire life and I was and am still very careful not to be duped again, so this means my research has been lengthy and extensive and fair. I have given it a very fair crack at being true and it is not.
So take no ones word for anything and take some time to learn critical thinking skills that will help you tune your BS meter so you dont get taken for a ride.