Why aren't you an Atheist?

by Bloody Hotdogs! 697 Replies latest jw friends

  • EntirelyPossible

    This is the way it always ends. It's because you don't have a leg to stand on while saying God doesn't exist. You just have an opinion, just as I do

    Perhaps it's because you make a ton of unfounded and obviously wrong assertions.

    For instance, you have yet to show your math that morality didn't originate on earth.

    You have yet to explain what gravity is.

    You have yet to explain how cutting off parts of baby penises = gravity because God.

  • tec

    Sol, were those questions in response to my comments?


    Hey Sab..

    I don`t see any Evidence for a Creator either..

    Although I`m open to it..

    As an Agnostic I`m waiting for evidence too..

    The only difference I see between someone like Cofty and myself is..

    With the evidence at hand,he has decided there is No God..

    If proof were provided otherwise,he would be open to it..

    So would I..

    I am comfortable with atheists,who have an open mind..

    They are not the opposite of Religion..

    Anymore than Religion = Being a Christian..

    The people I recognise as Christians don`t follow religion..

    They follow Jesus..Period..

    They aren`t looking for recruits and I don`t think Cofty is either.

    While I don`t embrace either side..

    I took the time to listen to what both sides had to say..

    Now instead of having an unEducated Opinion about someones beliefs..

    I have an Educated Understanding of their beliefs..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • sabastious

    Outlaw, Christian's by definition preach the good news about Christ's Kingdom and search for the lost sheep of Spiritual Israel. Without the New Testament Christian's would not know their directive. They die for their ability to speak about their faith. To me there is no difference between atheists and agnostics. To say that there is not enough evidence for God means that God, if he exists, didn't see it necessary to provide enough evidence of himself for everybody. The conclusion about atheists and agnostics, from where I stand, is that no evidence has been accepted by them, not that no evidence exists. There is a big difference between the two ideas. You don't get to reject evidence and then say that no evidence exists, you have to be honest and say that no suitable evidence exists. It may be that one day a previously unsuitable piece of evidence will become suitable because of personal epiphany. When that happens one cannot induce that epiphany, necessarily, to other people, they can only try their best to help others see what they have seen themselves.

    I have an Educated Understanding of their beliefs..

    I am not only educated on their beliefs, I am part of the Body of Christ.


  • EntirelyPossible

    You don't get to reject evidence and then say that no evidence exists, you have to be honest and say that not suitable evidence exists.

    Provide some evidence to reject, then.

  • EntirelyPossible

    You don't get to reject evidence and then say that no evidence exists, you have to be honest and say that not suitable evidence exists.

    Provide some evidence, then.

    I am not only educated on their beliefs, I am part of the Body of Christ.

    Hopefully it wasn't the foreskin. Jesus was missing that part.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    TEC said:

    Sol, were those questions in response to my comments?

    No, not really, although I thought of that angle after thinking about your comments.

    I just threw them out as open for discussion, as I was trying to offer a way to demonstrate that the approach to the existence of God issue is not dissimilar to the way one may handle any other issue in the Bible (whether Armageddon is a real threat, or examining evidence supporting a Genesis flood, or Adam and Eve, etc) or even encountered in life, be it science, law, etc. It's interesting that when it comes to religion, suddenly reason goes out of their brains, and that's usually not an accident: the same approach is used at Amway rallies, etc.

  • Satanus

    So sab, what's the worst that could happen to you, if you didn't preach? And, what is the least that could happen?


  • sabastious
    Nah. It's more because of a security that they feel as they get closer to enlightenment.

    But if you don't share that enlightenment with as many people possible then aren't you holding back progress for everyone? It's like discovering how to conserve a charge and keeping that information to yourself. That would be a huge mistake and an act of evil.


  • Satanus

    Christians are doing pretty well ,now, seeing all the arab countries that they have invaded and destroyed in the last few yrs. 'Course, muslims are practically twins of christians, like 2 peas in a pod, only w a variation. Muslims can openly be the animals that they are; christians need to pretend to be in the right as the go on killing sprees. They both got their own jesuses.


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