Why aren't you an Atheist?

by Bloody Hotdogs! 697 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    Even someone that murders their family and says god told them to. How can you claim he didn't if you believe god talks to people.

    Because God is as Christ showed Him to be... and if you see Christ, then you see God. Seeing Christ, one would know that God would not tell anyone to murder another person (just the opposite). So he mighta been hearing voices, but it was not Christ's and it was not God's.

    Their claim is as valid as anyone elses.

    Anyone can make a claim, that is true enough. That is why you test the message; the expression. Not so easy to test the person.

    Just because it's not what you might think fits into your understanding of what god would want, it really means nothing, because so do many religious ideas. And yet they aren't dismissed. The bible itself points to murder because god told them to.

    God never told anyone to murder anyone else.



  • EntirelyPossible

    So, Sabby, are you capable of answering ST's question without trying to go into a commentary on social behavior?

    Also, let's discuss your idea that cutting off parts of baby penises = gravity because God. Can you elaborate on that?

    Finally, have you repented of your multiple lies? Have you really prayed to Jesus about that and gotten forgiveness for the false witness you gave?

  • EntirelyPossible

    God never told anyone to murder anyone else.

    Except for all the times he absolutely, 100% for a certainty absolutely DID tell people to go murder on his behalf.

  • tec

    Except for all the times he absolutely, 100% for a certainty absolutely DID tell people to go murder on his behalf.

    Like I said... see Christ, see God.

    God needs no one to murder on his behalf. For what? He is not flesh and blood. So how could anything murder 'for' be for Him?



  • EntirelyPossible

    Like I said... see Christ, see God.

    Like I said, see God, see Christ. It works both ways. It was never ONLY see God via Christ.

    God needs no one to murder on his behalf. For what? He is not flesh and blood. So how could anything murder 'for' be for Him?

    Because he commanded it and asked for it. If he is not flesh and blood, how could any worship be for him, any sacrifice, any burnt offering? Because he asked for it, that's how.

  • tec

    Like I said, see God, see Christ. It works both ways. It was never ONLY see God via Christ.

    It does not work both ways because people look at things to be able to see God. Some people look at the universe; some people look at love (pretty good, imo), some people look at religion, or leaders, or cults, or books, etc... but God has a LIVING Image, Truth, and Word: His Son. That is who God sent to teach and show us Truth.

    "I am the Truth." Not, one of the truths.

    "Christ is the visible image of the invisible God." Not one of the images.

    Because he commanded it and asked for it. If he is not flesh and blood, how could any worship be for him, any sacrifice, any burnt offering? Because he asked for it, that's how.

    He did not.

    Now, how do you know that He asked for those sacrifices and offerings? If you point to a verse in the bible, I will point to one that states He did NOT want those things. So we could go back and forth. How do you know which is truth? I know by looking at Christ.



  • EntirelyPossible

    but God has a LIVING Image, Truth, and Word: His Son. That is who God sent to teach and show us Truth.

    God is living too. the Bible (nor Jesus) ever say he is the only way to see god. A fanciful bit of wordplay, but it goes nowhere because it's just a made up idea.

    Christ may HAVE been the visible image of the invisible God, but he, now, is also invisible. May as well look to God also. And he asked for a lot of murder.

    He did not.

    Yes, he did.

    If you point to a verse in the bible, I will point to one that states He did NOT want those things. So we could go back and forth. How do you know which is truth? I know by looking at Christ.

    At least we finally arrive that the 100% truth of the matter. You couldn't give less of a shit what the Bible says, it's all about what you want to preach. Well, sorry, you knowing what's in your head don't count for shit. You ONLY EVER have known anything about Jehovah and Jesus because of the Bible. That book, the one you ride like a cheap whore when it feels good and then ditch like a cheap whore you don't like what it's saying is the only thing you have to back up anything you say without going "voices in my head".

    You can't outrun the stink of the Bible that covers everything you want to say about Jesus. It says god wants murder. Wants baby pensis. Wants abortion. Wants slavery. Wants genocide. Wants throats slit for him.

    The only way any Jew knew about the god Jesus talked about was from those scriptures. Jesus endorsed them. The BS about lying scribes might work on some, but not here. The stink of the Bible that you use and abuse is all over everything Jesus ever said and everything you say about him.

    If there is one thing God, and his son, since we see god though the son, loved the ever loving shit out of, it was killing the hell out of every single last motherfarker in the room that looked at him sideways.

  • tec
    God is living too. the Bible (nor Jesus) ever say he is the only way to see god. A fanciful bit of wordplay, but it goes nowhere because it's just a made up idea.

    Well, first, I did not use the words "ONLY"... I did say that IF you see Christ, then you see God. Nothing else is required. If you need a 'testing' point, well, Christ is the image of God, so test against Christ. God is love; so test also against love. But all the rest of things that people 'test' against... there is no basis for it.

    Christ may HAVE been the visible image of the invisible God, but he, now, is also invisible. May as well look to God also. And he asked for a lot of murder.

    Not sure why it is so hard for people to consider that men asked for a lot of murder, in the name of God. Or rather... war.

    Yes, he did.

    No, he did not... X infinity.

    At least we finally arrive that the 100% truth of the matter. You couldn't give less of a shit what the Bible says, it's all about what you want to preach.

    Interesting deduction... since the bible states BOTH things. How do you know which is true, when there are two conflicting things being said? Personally, I don't care what else is said... I just look to Christ. But if you want to know which of two conflicting things is true, then again, look at Christ. His life, his teachings, his example.

    Has nothing to do with me or what I want.

    Well, sorry, you knowing what's in your head don't count for shit.

    Nothing i stated to you above had anything to do with this.

    You ONLY EVER have known anything about Jehovah and Jesus because of the Bible. That book, the one you ride like a cheap whore when it feels good and then ditch like a cheap whore you don't like what it's saying is the only thing you have to back up anything you say without going "voices in my head".

    But I never went 'voices in my head.'

    I said, simply, if there is a contradictin in the bible... and you want to know which is truth... then look at THE TRUTH: Christ.

    You can't outrun the stink of the Bible that covers everything you want to say about Jesus. It says god wants murder. Wants baby pensis. Wants abortion. Wants slavery. Wants genocide. Wants throats slit for him.

    I don't need to outrun anything. The bible is not the Word, Image or Truth of God. God did not state... look to the bible to know the truth. He said... look at my Son.

    The only way any Jew knew about the god Jesus talked about was from those scriptures. Jesus endorsed them. The BS about lying scribes might work on some, but not here. The stink of the Bible that you use and abuse is all over everything Jesus ever said and everything you say about him.

    I'm not too concerned about what works on 'some' and what doesn't work 'here'. The verse is there. If you don't want to see it, then that has nothing to do with the fact that it is there. The reality is also that people can and have altered or slanted verses according to their (mis)understanding (in context OR in translation); or according to their agendas, is also there. It is a fact. Just have to look at the NWT to see how the 'scribes' can alter things. Fact. Not wishful thinking.

    The bible is not my image for God. I think it is yours though... because you still look at IT to see God, instead of just looking at His Image.

    If there is one thing God, and his son, since we see god though the son, loved the ever loving shit out of, it was killing the hell out of every single last motherfarker in the room that looked at him sideways.

    Hmm. If we see God through His Son... then do tell how many people Christ killed the hell out of who looked at him sideways?




  • EntirelyPossible

    Tammy, you don't get it. Christ, if he is the image of God, is just as bad as the God of the OT. There is no path to him without the murders of the OT. There no Christ without genocide. There is no salvation without millions dead.

    I know you love Jesus and say he is the only thing that counts. Unfortunately, to get to that position, you have to ignore so much of the Bible, disown so much of while simultaneously promoting so much of it that you end up having to bend it into a pretzel twist of a position so convoluted a name for it hasn't been invented yet.

    On a completely unrelated note, I am supr jealous you went to ComiCon and I didn't. And you didn't look to shabby in that uniform. Yowza.

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    The problem is that so many do not even understand the definition of the word "atheist".

    Nicolau has it correct. An atheist lacks belief in God or has no belief in god. They are A-Theistic (theistic meaning believer). I am a proud non-believer - aka an Atheist.

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