Lady Lee you made yourself vulnerable for the sake of others on JWN, that's real love and compassion!
You know I think my daughters don't know me very well. There is so much that as a parent you don't tell your kids. And they certainly don't want to know anything about the JWs. That leaves out a lot. They don't see this part of me at all. And they aren't quite at the stage yet where they come to realize maybe Mom wasn't so dumb after all.
Thank you Glander. I no longer want the Ace-up-my-sleeve. That is no way to live.
aussie You are so right Counseling can and does help. But if you don't hit it off with the first couselor find another. I do have an advantage over many people because I have been through this before and know what to look for in a counselor. I don't need someone to tell me what to do. That isn't the job of the counselor. But she knows the right questions to ask so that I can find my own answers.
The second counselor I saw -- I was explaining why I thought counseling was good. When we sit with our thoughts they race through our head so fast we can't pay attention to them. That is why we go over and over and over the same thigns without getting anywhere. Talking it out forces you to slow down th ethinking so you can "hear" what you are saying. Writing, an excellent therapeutic tool, forces us to slow the thinking down even more plus wee can go back and read what we put down. The worker liked that so much she asked me to repeat it so she could write it down.
You are very right Help can come in many forms. Reading self-help books can help us find the words for our pain. Talking to other people with shared experiences can help a lot. (one reason why this website is so popular) Exercise can help a lot and yesterday I bought an exercier that I can use and doesn't compromise my foot problems. Creative outlets, volunteer work. There are so many things. But and this is important none of those things should ever replace therapy. We can't use them to avoid the problems. We have to deal with those regardless otherwise there is no end in site to the pain.