It was hard to decide to open this topic with oompa's death so close to aso many here. So I hung on to it for a couple of weeks to give you all breathing time. But it is a topic that we really need to talk about. There are far too many JW or ex-JW suicides that we hear about or know of.
I would like to say something about the survivor guilt that many of you might be experiencing.
Survivor guilt happens to many people when someone thye know takes thier life. You wind up thinking that maybe you could have said or done something to stop the person and get them the help they needed. You emotionally beat yourself up because you didn't do anything. The guilt can become overwhelming and this actually raises your risk of suicide.
We do not have the power to stop someone who is intent on harming themself. We can support, offer suggestions, encourage them to seek professional help. But we can't force people to accept those things.
- JWs are taught that if they die before Armageddon, they have a chance at the resurrection.
- Some people think it is the only way to stop the pain.
- Some people believe that if they die people will realize the harm they have done. They want to make them feel ashamed or sorry for the shunning or other abuses they had done.
I have thought all of the above. But I have to remember that I would have missed so much if I had taken my life 30 years ago.
- I would never have gone to college or university.
- I never would have learned that I was smarter than my parents told me I was.
- I never would have had the wonderful and satisfying career I had working with survivors of various abuse.
- I never would have seen my children grow up or seen my grandchildren.
- I never would have taken a cruise to Alaska (a lifelong dream) or piloted a plane.
- I never would have had opportunity to explore the many creative talents I seem to have.
- I never would have made it to the internet and found out the real truth behind the the WT walls.
- I never would have been a part of this forum which has helped me so much and I would never been able to offer so much in return.
- I never would have gone to many conferences on abuse issues or the last one where I got to speak about the invisible victims of JWs.
Much was taken away from me but much has been given to me as well.
I turned 60 this year. I hate it and have been having a hard time with it. I am at a stage where 2/3 of my life is over. The women in my family all live well into their 90s. My grandmother poassed away a couple of years before she turned 100. My mother is still going strong. So I might have another 25 or more years to go. I have to try to see the positives that will occur in the coming years. Who knows what my next experience will be. I want these vcomign years to be filled with new interests, new experiences, new friends and hopefully both daughters and my grandchildren, and maybe a great grandchild or two.
I have plans and I want to implement them. My life is not over.