Why didn't Christ out and out condemn slavery? I think that is the point most of you are trying to make.
He did teach against it. In His teachings about love (loving others as yourself does not have you forcibly enslaving someone...); the golden rule speaks against it; being told (and shown) to SERVE, rather than to BE SERVED, also speaks against it.
OTWO stated the page before that Christ did not come to end slavery. I agree, in the context that OTWO made his point. I also disagree. Because Christ came to set people free from the bondage holding them, regardless of their station in life. Freedom from lies; from fear; from 'satan'; from sin; from death; from anger and hate. Change, however, starts from within. Everything begins with what is within us. One can be a 'free man' and still be in bondage. (take those enslaved to the wts, for instance) Christ was always concerned with the spirit, within us.
Seems strange that He would come to set people free... but think that enslaving others against their will is OK.
People, however, are limited by their culture and societal norms. Slavery was a natural way of life then, accepted by all cultures, including those cultures taken as slaves. Had they won some previous war, they would have been the ones doing the enslaving. That doesnt' make it right, but it does make it a deeply engrained social structure accepted by all (unless one is a slave, but I read that even some slaves took slaves, so...)
But in Christ and God, no man was lessor more than another. Early Christain theologians argued against owning others as slaves... because they had understanding that ALL were equal under God. These are the words and teachings of Christ eing applied. This is the result, and it might have taken time... but this is the result of listening to and applying Christ's words, and understanding that in God, all are equal. Without shedding any blood, in any war or revolution. Change the heart, change the man, and slavery IS a human construct. Does that mean no one every abused his words, and the scriptures, to go ahead and dominate their fellow man? No, and we know this just by looking at history. But like all things, people twist to suit their own purposess. Think of the touture and the executions done in the name of Christ and God. Totally AGAINST his taechings. Yet excused, justified and done.
Some hear truth. Some do not.
In the example above, about Paul... Paul sent that man back as free, and not a slave.
Someone has also directed me to an OT law that gets ignored on slavery as well:
Deut 23: 15-16 "If a slave has taken refuge with you, do not hand him over to his master. Let him live among you wherever he likes and in whatever town he chooses. Do not oppress him."
That pretty much ends the slavery of any slave that sought refuge with someone else. And that is in the law.