About what one thing do you find yourself being a real SNOB?

by Terry 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • tornapart

    I'm an English snob... I hate it when Americans get our words wrong. For instance when they pronounce worcestershire sauce wrong.....

    And when they call football 'soccer'....

    sorry guys (love you really!)

  • A.M. Number 1
    A.M. Number 1

    MUSIC. I am God in music.

  • LisaRose

    Home decor. I have a small antiques and home decor business. When I see a home that is badly designed, it bugs me, although I try not to show it. My pet peeve is "arrested" furniture placement, you know "up against the wall". All the furniture in the room does not have to pushed up to a wall. Good design does not have to be expensive, it just takes a little time.

  • perfect1

    art and artists.

    This is a great thread, btw.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Left in the Cold said "That's why I find it awful that others don't put forth any effort to wear nicer things. A well made Italian shoe is heaven. A shame to miss out on that experience. Or a good fitting, well cut garment."

    You'd really hate me then. I buy whatever fits and is reasonably priced when I have to buy clothing. I can't imagine wasting the time to hunt and search for whatever you consider a "nicer" outfit. Being a fat lady, it's rare for me to find anything remotely attractive in a second hand shop in my size, and often my size is sold out by the time stuff goes on sale at the mall. I buy shoes based solely on what doesn't make me miserable - I have short, very wide feet, bunions and an old break that give me fits. I'd pay a fortune for attractive, comfortable shoes but I've yet to find any. I really have no interest at all in "fashion".

    I am a kitchen snob. I look down on people who don't know how to cook from scratch. I don't care if a person just doesn't do it, but literally not knowing how just sets my teeth on edge. Making bread isn't rocket science, and you don't need a mix to bake a cake.

  • brizzzy


    "You say 'erbs', and we say 'herbs'. Because there's a fucking 'h' in it." In our defense on worcestershire sauce, if you've never heard it pronounced, it's difficult to grasp by looking at the word how one could possibly come to the conclusion that it sounds like "wooshter".

  • brizzzy

    I have no idea why that posted a jillion times, btw. Software bug?

    Edit: Nevermind, fixed.


    I am not cultured enough to be a snob. I do loathe pop-country music. It is part of the dumbining of America.

    NUFF SAID...

  • Berengaria

    What an interesting thread!!

    Terry I would have agreed with you about Stephen King until last weekend when I started 11/22/63. I am about half way through, and it's fantastic.

    Love Opera!!!! I've seen Phantom like 10 times! (Kiddin' Sir, but I do love La Boheme. It's the only one I've ever seen. I listen, and since I have no idea what they are saying, I have favorite pieces rather than whole Operas. One of my biggest regrets is that we didn't have enough time to see one in Milan which is supposed to be the pinacle of Opera. Or even Venice which we probably could have managed if we hadn't been concerned with early morning departure).

    I'm a foodie, I guess I'm a bit of a food snob.

  • Terry

    We can indulge in Snob favorites now, if you like.


    1.Book: Gödel,Escher,Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid [Douglas R. Hofstadter]

    2.Movie: Synechdoche, New York (written and directed by Charlie Kauffman)

    3.Wine: Cabernet Sauvignon (Stag's Leap 2009 Napa Valley Artemis)

    4.Artist: Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida

    5.Opera: Die Tote Stadt (Erich Wolfgang Korngold)

    6.Song: "Waters of March" (Portuguese: "Águas de Março" ) by Antonio Carlos Jobim

    7.Classical composer: Sergei Rachmaninoff

    8.Music (contemporary): Steely Dan

    9. Painting: The Wounded Foot (Sorolla)

    10.Scientist: Richard Feynmann

    11.Philosopher: Mortimer J. Adler

    12.Car: E-type Jaguar 340 hp 12 cylinder with Maserati engine


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