Whitney Heichel - first hand account from congregation member on Facebook

by sir82 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Jadeen I agree with you. Mnay times I've seen dubs ask a loaded question to get the desired answer and then run with it. It was a BS answer likely to a BS question.

    Family should circle the wagons and that's what they did. What sickens me is the informercial it's become

  • yourmomma

    i found that thing to be pretty ghastly. not alot suprises me, especially about JW's, but im suprised at how much they are trying to use the death of this poor girl as a recruiting tool. also, i find it disgusting that they are outright lying about the status of the JW that raped and murdered her. this is a new low.

  • Finkelstein

    While it's pretty obvious that some of the comments from "worldly" people are bs

    What BS Jadeen ?

    Care to elaborate ?

    Did you mean BS from JWS themselves ?

  • undercover

    I don't recall at any time that a congregation went out and made up such a show for the media. There's been other victims of violence in the cong, but this one certainly has the wow show going on.

    Who sent the order to do so?

    Good observation...

    Here's an idea, if you want to get all conspiracy theory about it...

    Since the killer was a fellow JW, that's sure to bring negative attention and put the JW religion in bad light. So to counteract that negative aspect of the tragedy, you go overboard with the positive aspects. Embellish the search and rescue stories. Embrace the attention from the "world" (normally shunned). Put the grieving family on camera. Release statements from the family. Blame Satan. Internally blame this 'old system' (while ironically lapping up the attention from that same system).

    This has two effects, the first planned, the second maybe a by-product. One - outsiders focus on the brotherhood, the zeal, the faith. It gives them something to remember other than that the case revolving around a JW who killed another JW. Two - the more BS like that Facebook post is repeated, the more other JWs believe it. The legend become fact in their mind. The Chief of Police really did say those things. People came into the "truth" after reading the literature 'placed' during all this. The killer is forgotten. That he was one of them is even further from their mind. All they remember is how they, Jehovah's true worshippers, took a tragedy and turned into a great witness for their god, proving to them that this must be the true religion.

  • scary21

    All the WORLDLY organizations that sent food , flowers , and money.......but the JW organization in New York doesn't even send a card !

    Yea, that sounds about right........

  • james_woods

    Undercover, you do realize that if you follow your train of thought all the way to its natural conclusion -

    They could eventually be saying that Whitney's death HAD A PURPOSE in Jehovah's great plan...

  • Jadeen

    What I meant as "bs":

    The Chief of Police has said that it is obvious that “God is with you people”, and the stories of how the evidence was so quickly found by the Brothers and Sisters and all came together so quickly, there is little doubt as to who was helping!

    The chief of police said that the next time someone goes missing in Portland, he is going to call on Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    I'm pretty sure that the local Witnesses have embellished the comments made by other members of the community. Just as Holt was downgraded from a member of the congregation to a neighbor and occasional attendee.

    Two cartons of Bibles and a carton of Teach books had been placed.

    Probably were shoved into people's hands and they were too polite to say "no" at the funeral.

  • Finkelstein

    Good point undercover , JWS are known to take any situation involving themselves and spin it with embellishments to

    make their organization unique and special. I can think of many religious organizations that would have done exactly what they did

    concerning a member of their own and maybe even more. But the JWS are never concerned really concerned about " The Truth " are they.


    “The devil made a BIG mistake when he attacked this family.

    I did`nt do it..

    It was a Jehovah`s Witness!..

    First Jesus,now Me!..

    The WBT$ is going to put us all out of a Job!!..

    .......................... ... OUTLAW

  • AudeSapere

    Very touching and emotional report.

    But not without glaring concerns (from typical exhalted-JW slant):

    According to the 44-page afadavit, the police had several officers involved in this case by early afternoon on the day she disappeared. [The account as cited in the OP gives the impression that the police were just sitting idle for 24 hours. Not true.]

    While the witnesses were great at organizing a search crew, they also potentially contaminated the crime scene(s). [ie: her jacket was given to Clint who in turn handed it over to the police]

    The brother got the bank officer to waive confidentiality because they knew each other personally??? [Isn't that a crime?]

    Holt 'visited' the Kingdom Hall? [He was baptized, served as a Ministerial Servant, and was even married in a Kingdom Hall. Would not have been allowed if he was just a marginal member or casual attendee.]

    This one, however, can potentially be the most telling: Sitting arm in arm with the family was the chief of police and a number of other officers, and the mayor came too. I think we about hugged the life out of them. But we have clearly won them over and think the world of Jehovah’s Witnesses now.

    Hmmmm Could this be one reason for the special arrangements for Open House at the Kingdom Hall. If it turns out that a deeper investigation is conducted as to whether elders had reason to know of a severely unstable Jonathan Hold but chose to do ignore the signs, how thorough will the investigation be if the local elders, CO, DO (and I think one or two Bethel Heavies) have already charmed and wooed the chief, mayor and other officials involved?????


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