Whitney Heichel - first hand account from congregation member on Facebook

by sir82 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    Noting either the possession of child porn or stealing a car, lets just say that was one screwed up JWS.

    I'm guessing it was the car episode, that involved him to step down as MS.

    And I would really question the validity of him actually being a MS in the first place , a bit young for that

    if memory serves me.

  • Satanus

    The wt org is turning this tragedy into a wonderful media operation. So far, it has managed to obscure the fact that it was one of it's own that did it to one of its own. The successful spin is to be expected, seeing how the wt org is tightly organized. The 'world', the local media there, and the media in general is not that organized. Tight organization wins out every time, against loose organization or the nonorganized. The nonorganized is the state of the most freedom.


  • braincleaned

    I would comment more, but I'll just leave it at sending kudos to the good work of everyone in the community; JWs and non-JWs.

    * Sad though, that it became an opportuniity to 'sell proselytism', while clearly, God was not with Whitney nor the killer.

  • tiki

    blues bro - good point about the bank....and it is absolutely a total breach of professionalism, ethics and protocol for a bank staff to go into her account at the request of an acquaintance or friend. that is only permitted when the police have an appropriate search determination in order. uk, us, wherever there are civilized laws, that is a no-no at this point in time.

    it is a sad situation for sure - and to me sweeping holt's association with the congregation under the rug is especially wrong. and what about his wife??? never any mention about that young woman and how this whole thing has completely screwed her life up.........

  • rebel8

    I started making a list of the red flags in that urban myth but I got tired.

    Starting with--you have to wait 24 hours to report a suspicious disappearance.

    This gem:

    He knows personally one of the bank officers, so privacy rules are dropped

    hmm. Why commit an illegal act when the husband could have gotten this info himself? Or the police could have? Pah-leeze.

    Oh, and turning this into a sales pitch for the Almighty. Yeah, what a great guy. He let a loyal follower be kidnapped, raped and murdered. Praise Jah.

    Gawd dubs are so desperate to make up these stories. They just love the media and quasi-famous people like the police chief.

    Some things never change.

  • Scott77

    marked for later

  • Finkelstein

    I just have to finally say I've heard of some bad JWS in my time, adulterers, the occasional child beaters, wife beaters, sex perverts

    crooks etc., but his guy has to go on top of the list of all Badass of the Badasses of JWS.

    A kidnapper/abductor, a rapist and a murderer all in one.

    How could a guy that was respectively married, surrounded socially with people with some semblance of social morality (JWS)

    do such a thing to such a seemingly nice girl like that ?

    I bet a there would be a few Psychiatrists that would like to put him through psychoanalysis .

  • Tylinbrando

    Everyone is reacting to the story given to and released by the police and media and the JWs. We will not know exactly what went on before, during, and after the murder until Holt goes through trial. Even then it could be some spin set forth by the defense. Holt will have a story and it will be 10 times more detailed than his statement to the police. There are a lot of missing pieces to this puzzle despite its appearance of a lock, stock, & barrel case with all evidence neatly in a row. Will be interesting to see how it all unfolds. The only absolute certainty? JWs will turn anything and everything into a blessing from Jehovah.

    And apparently He allowed a murder to take place in His own house just so some literature could be placed and some bible studies started.

    That makes as much sense as Holt going completely psycho for a blow job.

    Something is rotten in Denmark. And Oregon.

  • Honesty
    Thursday, October 18th. One of our elders (Scott, her uncle) is in the car group that decides to search the road that leads up toLarch Mountain, in the Cascade Mountains. They stop at aisle marker 10 where they spot tire marks on the side of road, some broken glass and a bent up license plate lying in some tall grass. It is Whitney’s license plate! Scott knows the county sheriff, and immediately calls him. The sheriff drops everything and speeds to the mountain. The road and mountain is immediately closed off, the brothers told to go home. The FBI and the local police begin the search of the mountain.

    That's a lie.

    Brother Holt showed the authorities where he had dumped the victim's body.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    The bank thing is a total lie. I worked in three different banks here in the Pacific Northwest, my state boards Organ and never in a million years would someone give out information unless they had a court order. Plus Whitney's husband could have just went in and retrieved the information himself without asking someone to break the law.

    Also I am sure if Clint Heichel had called Bethel first they would have told him to NOT GO TO THE POLICE! That he should think of the reproach it might bring on Jehovah's name.

    My husband and I were told NOT TO GO TO THE POLICE NO MATTER WHAT when we were being stalked by a brother when we were first married.

    Also I live about 600 miles from where this happened and I thought that it was on the new here Tuesday night. I am almost sure of it. So so much for the 24 hours before the police got involved.


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