Survey: Who here is an atheist? Who here still believes in God?

by Christ Alone 295 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    CA - If it was an everyday event for to heal amputees or raise those long dead on command I would accept the presence of supernatural power.

    Second hand testimony about such events would not do. Hundreds of thousands of followers of guru Sai Baba will insist they have seen him perform all sorts of miracles. They are all deluded.

    I would accept the existence of the supernatural, I would not get down on my knees and worship it.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    I'm not necessarily talking the "Christian God" here, LWT. I'm talking just a belief in a creator. Call him the Flying Spaghetti Monster if you want. What proof would be proof enough to believe in a creator? "Not alot" doesn't make senes. Give me a theoretical way that could cause you to believe in a creator.

  • Healthworker

    cofty, dont get so hyped up. this is only a survey

  • OnTheWayOut

    You leave out so many choices.
    Mine would be "Rationalist."

    But, since such a wonderful answer is not among your choices, I must choose "Believer."

    I believe in the human spirit. I believe we can overcome religion and superstition. I believe we humans are genetically one family that comes from a common female ancestor called by many, Mitochondrial Eve, who could have lived 200,000 years or so ago, along with a common male ancestor, Y-chromosomal Adam, who could have lived between 142,000 and 60,000 years ago. (Records would have no way of knowing in this emerging science so the exact time has not been nailed down- the point is that we are all related.)

    I believe that false beliefs will all be disguarded eventually, including any belief in any of the current "gods" that man has created. Unluckily for us, I also believe that new false beliefs will spring up to replace Zeus, Jehovah, Christ, and the like, and these must also run their courses.

    Here's a few more things that I believe (understanding that poetic liscence has taken place and I might not "literally" believe the exact statements, but the idea behind them, similarly to belief in the Bible which is already proven totally false):

    I believe, for every drop of rain that falls,
    A flower grows.
    I believe that somewhere in the darkest night,
    A candle glows.
    I believe for everyone who goes astray,
    Someone will come, to show the way,
    I believe, I believe.
    I believe, above the storm the smallest prayer,
    Will still be heard.
    I believe, that someone in the great somewhere,
    Hears every word.
    Everytime I hear a newborn baby cry,
    Or touch a leaf, or see the sky,
    Then I know why, I believe!

    I also believe:
    I believe I can fly
    I believe I can touch the sky

    I believe in music
    I believe rock and roll can save your mortal soul
    I believe in love

    Most of all, I believe in you.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    So, cofty, your own personal observation of a miracle done on command, unproven by science, would be enough to convince you? I know you don't accept the Bible, but according to the gospels that was not enough to convince the Jews watching Jesus do it on command.

  • leavingwt

    Chariklo: For me personally, having been 100% duped for 23 years, I must leave the possibility open. Further, this seems to be the only intelletcually honest position. Many people of faith surely feel the same way. If they commit to a certain faith or theology, without the possibilty of being wrong, etc, how is that intellectually honest?

    Regarding the term "agnostic atheist", it seems to be technically correct, as one descriptor refers to belief and the other to knowledge. However, as you've pointed out, the term is almost wholly without value when speaking to 'the man on the street' or when writing for a general audience. Given your definitions and feelings on the matter, I would be compelled to self-identify as an agnostic -- which is true, even though I currently hold no beliefs in god(s), which also makes me an atheist.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Yeah, OTWO, I realize that this "survey" is flawed and destined for failure. It seemed like a good idea at the time... many times have I said that in my life?

  • straightshooter

    Believer. I have personally experienced some marvelous unexplainable events in my life.

  • cofty

    Nobody's "hyped up" Healthworker, your just trying to be provocative as usual.

    Is there a language barrier?

  • Chariklo


    Yes, that's pretty well how I see it.

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