You know that I was referring to the 4 gospels.
Yes, I assumed you were sticking with the narrowminded view that there are only 4 gospels, but to give you the benefit of the doubt that you might not be, I asked.
People rejected Jesus. That's a fact.
People rejected a legend called Jesus. That's the only fact that history can corroberate. What's written about anyone rejecting a real Jesus cannot be stated as fact since even his existence is not corroberated. The people who rejected him, despite others dying for their belief, did not necessary see any more proof than people today see.
I'm not demanding proof. I'm wishing to understand when the atheist says, "I would believe in God if I had proof." Well what does that "proof" look like.
Are crop circles in England proof that aliens traveled light years with incredible technology and played some kind of joke on people? Is it proof that the universe is more interested in Britain than in the rest of earth, kind of like a Doctor Who show? I think answers vary because we don't know what kind of actual proof would suffice. I did a good job of answering. Further on that, a voice or a vision or some huge coincidence limited to a single person or group of people, something that really doesn't benefit mankind, would not do for me. I would hope that "God" could offer something to all mankind as proof of his existence.
I'm saying that in MY MIND, I could very easily see any "proof" as being rejected by the majority of atheists. Yes, this is only an assumption. But according to my worldview and what I personally view as authoritative (the Bible) this has happened.
So many people will be forced to deal with whether our writings or movies were based on facts thousands of years from now, if a continous history is lost to mankind and only remnants remain. Especially tricky will be "mockumentaries," (see ) which might actually be close to what Bible writings were. Maybe a better analogy would be that they were fables, folklore, morality lessons not to be taken literally. It seems that the eastern world has this- the story of the Buddha.
And IF these "miracles" of Guru Sri Baba are real, then they are being rejected too. I know nothing about this fella, so I'd probably reject them too. But they are rejected non the less as proof of nothing. It makes sense that the miracles of Jesus would be the same.
Okay then.