It was not meant to be snarky. I asked the question because I needed your answer for communication purposes. It appears as if you might feel you could speak for atheists. But if you could that would mean that atheists act as a group and can make use of representation. Would you consider yourself a representative of atheism?
I never claimed to speak for atheists, but I have been exposed to a lot of atheists. Not only here, but in real life, and on a board I run. Atheists everywhere, and not one of them every expressed that if the WT was not the truth, then no religion was true. I asked you to point me to an atheist that said such a thing to you, and I would personally suggest they did not investigate this issue deeply enough.
Not to split hairs, but I think this is an important point. By making such a statement, you make the mistake that many non-atheists make when trying to understand atheists. You think that they have become disillusioned and deeply hurt, so they reject GOD, not GOD BELIEF. This is a huge difference. I tell anyone who is considering atheism cuz they are mad at a god or a religion that they aren't really travelling in the atheist direction. You can't be mad at what does not exist---so anger does not translate into atheism.
There is no need to investigate every religion, when all that is necessary is to investigate the premise---god belief. That is what we have investigated, and that is what we reject. Am I speaking for all atheist? I don't think so, but I do believe I speak for the majority, and if any disagree they can certainly chime in and give their special angle.