Should You Be Stumbled by Watchtower Errors? You Decide!

by Ethos 110 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    It's funny that the article talks about how many mistakes science has made and then had to make changes because of a new understanding.

    But why, in my opinion, is that example not comparable?

    Well, science does not claim to have been blessed with info or guidance from a divine source!

    The WTS constantly prides itself with the 'understanding that Jehovah has given them', albeit wrong.

    Why wrong? Every few years it' time to make a change, and all of a sudden, 'we were wrong in our understanding'.

    But wait - I thought Jehovah, through his spirit, blessed them with understanding? Now what was taught is wrong? If Jehovah is/was the source, then who screwed up?


  • Heaven

    The WTS constantly prides itself with the 'understanding that Jehovah has given them', albeit wrong.

    Why wrong? Every few years it' time to make a change, and all of a sudden, 'we were wrong in our understanding'.

    But wait - I thought Jehovah, through his spirit, blessed them with understanding? Now what was taught is wrong? If Jehovah is/was the source, then who screwed up?

    Jehovah needs to stop drinking.

  • Finkelstein

    The most we claim or have ever claimed for our teachings is that they arewhat we believe to be harmonious interpretations of the divine Word, in harmony with the spirit of the truth."

    It should be realized with all honesty and intelligence that most of WTS. doctrines have been created as appealing vehicles

    to attract attention commercially as a self owed and operating publishing house. !!!

    In other words they are harmonious interpretations of the divine Word for the intent and spirit of commercialization, pretentiously set inside a

    form of virtuous religious endeavor.

    In the end, the WTS. did point out certain faults and mistakes from the body of Christendom but they also created their own inherent faults,

    which some unfortunately and regrettably cost people's lives as a direct result.

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    "Why bother quoting anything pre-Rutherford since the Society has disavowed any of Russell's writings??"

    They haven’t disavowed them entirely, i.e. end of the Gentile Times in 1914. But even if they had disavowed them all, they still try to cover up Russell’s mistakes with deliberately misleading statements that amount to little short of lies. Just a sample of examples where they try to make it appear that Russell taught what JWs teach today;

    Awake! January 22, 1973, page 8 - “Jehovah's witnesses pointed to the year 1914, decades in advance, as marking the start of "the conclusion of the system of things."” (decades in advance JWs said 1914 was the end of the time of the end not the start of it).

    Revelation its Grand Climax is at Hand (2006) 105 - “Charles Taze Russell and his fellow Bible students realized decades earlier that 1914 would mark the end of the Gentile Times … While they did not in those early days fully understand what this would mean, they were convinced that 1914 was going to be a pivotal date in world history, and they were right.” (Russell thought 1914 would be a hell of lot more than pivotal, and he did fully understand it, he just got it all wrong)

    What Does the Bible Really Teach? (2005), pages 84-85 - “When Jesus told his followers to pray, "Let your kingdom come," it was clear that the Kingdom had not come at that time. … There was a waiting period. … During the 19th and 20th centuries, sincere Bible students progressively discerned that the waiting period would end in 1914. World events that began in 1914 confirm that the understanding of these sincere Bible students was correct.” (19 th and early 20 th century Bible students believed the waiting period ended in 1878).

  • metatron

    Let's all overlook 130 years of false prediction by the Watchtower Society.....

    Once they agree to return all contributions given across those years because, otherwise, that money would be tainted by fraud and gained by false pretenses.


  • Ding

    "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"

    -- The Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz

  • Finkelstein

    Should You Be Stumbled by Watchtower Errors ?

    Mostly Awakened I'd say !

    The WTS. has a big problem on their hands because now due to mostly the inter-net, all those old fraudulent doctrines and

    proclamations made by this organizations are now openly available to be observed and evaluated .

    This poses a real problem for in the past all those old errors and false doctrines published within the organization's literature were

    easily taken off the shelfs and hidden away from the publics view. This now openly obtainable information is causing much damage toward

    the organization's own self proclamation that their organization has been exclusively chosen by god through his guiding holy spirit.

    So now the WTS. has taken the position to actually fight against the " Truth " rather than strive toward it, in a endeavorer to protect

    its own created viable public self image of itself.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer



    You said you yearn for intellectual stimulation. Where, precisely, in all that blabbity blabbity blab is it to be found?

    I don’t see a single logical scriptural argument in that mountain of words.

    Do you know the name of even one known form of logical argument? And, please don’t ask that I read another mountain of words to see if you do. If you know one, just keyboard it.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • minimus

    Ultimate, all those quotes are meaningless. Russell wasn't even a member of the Faithful Slave! His words mean as much as George Storrs.

  • Xanthippe


    If the faithful and discreet slave get things wrong what does it mean?

    Children being molested for many years and this being allowed and kept secret.

    A very painful 'mistake' for those children. A very expensive one for the 'slave'.

    Should we be stumbled?

    What should we decide?

    If they get things so badly wrong do we want to refuse a university education for our children? What if they have that wrong and the New System is not just around the corner? How will our children get jobs, pay the bills? So many windows, so little money!

    Do we want to put off having children to work in full time service? The clock's ticking for many pioneer sisters. If the NS doesn't come will they be stumbled?

    What if they wanted IVF and couldn't have it because throwing away unused fertilised embryos was considered murder when I was growing up? Now the WTS say they made a mistake and it should have been a matter of conscience. Are those childless couples stumbled when they look at the empty crib in their home?

    Oh yes. If the Watchtower makes errors that can RUIN your life you should be stumbled. Stumble straight out of the Kingdom Hall now!

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