Should You Be Stumbled by Watchtower Errors? You Decide!

by Ethos 110 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    This is funny:

    "''Many freely, openly, and proudly expose past errors and blunders made in the Watchtower publications. They are certainly entitled to do so..... But what would happen if we composed a list of every scientific and medical misconception, error, or mistake ever made? Such a list would be immensely long, undoubtedly far longer than every error contained in the Watchtower publications.""

    So the WT has made a total of misconceptions and mistakes that is smaller than the totality of mistakes errors and misconcptions of the scientific and medical world to date. Which is not saying much really, but merely a call for stopping the derision of WT follies. But what if in our looking at these misconceptions of the WT we find that the Governing Body's claim of appointment by Jehovah provide spiritual food at the proper to be suspect and false. What if we find the Governing Body delusional and that thier interpetation of scripture highly self serving and not based on any sound logic? Should we refrain from being critical if this is the case?

    I didnt really notice any substantiated rebuttals to what I said....Ethos

    You probably can`t Hear Us..

    ..............................  mutley-ani1.gif ... OUTLAW

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Ethos, I SO agree with you.

    The anti-JW's are 'taking their eye off the ball'. The ball is JEHOVAH. They're so busy stumbling over MEN, that Jehovah gets lost in the shuffle.

    I wonder what the REAL reason is that they don't want to serve Jehovah?

    Could it be that they don't want to humble themselves to do the preaching work?

    Well, if you don't do the work, you don't get the prize---everlasting life.

  • Londo111

    It is said, “People in glass houses should not throw stones.” The Watchtower itself highlights every current and past mistake made by every other denomination. It is very critical of other religions. Are the people of these denominations not humans just like us, prone to mistakes?

    When the Watchtower has set a date in the past, 1914, 1925, 1975—afterwards they have said that “some” had “misplaced expectations”. But using a double standard, they do not give the same courtesy to others.

    For instance, the February 2012 public Watchtower said, “Some believed that the earth would end on October 21, 2011. It did not. Thus, the prophesy of U.S. Radio broadcaster Harold Camping rang hollow.” Therefore, when another group made a prediction based on their interpretation of the Bible, it was called a prophesy. But when they said it, they claim they were not uttering prophesy.

    I believe it somewhat unfair to say “Mistakes and Errors by Jehovah's Witnesses”, because millions of these folks are only following what they are told by a small body of men, currently eight. And they have no other choice but to accept mistakes and errors, because failure to accept these is grounds for losing their friends and family. Nor are these millions allowed any other information source, but what the Governing Body allows.

    James 3:1 says, “Become not many teachers, my brethren, having known that greater judgment we shall receive.”

    People have built their lives around the teachings of the Society. In many cases people were told to forego organ transplants or blood fractions and lost their lives, or alternative service instead of the military and lost their freedom. The alternative would have been excommunication and shunning. Years later, the Governing Body changed their minds about these things and decided to allow them.

    But here is the thing: a Faithful and Discreet Slave is… Faithful and Discreet. It is not discreet to set dates for the end, nor make faulty life-and-death decisions on behalf of hundreds of thousands of people, or construct a legalistic system of rules like the Pharisees of old did, sitting themselves in the seat of Moses.

    To fault their teachings or rulings is said to be the same of going against Jehovah, to be like Korah who stood against Moses. However, Moses clearly had credentials. His teachings and rulings came literally from Jehovah. It was not a case of saying, “Do not steal”, then, “Steal a little”, and then “Some have said it is okay to steal a little, however further clarification on the matter has shown that we should not steal.” Besides, Moses did not prefigure the Watchtower Society.

    The Greater Moses, for Christians, is not a Governing Body, but their Mediator Jesus Christ, whom has the saying of everlasting life. Christians are also promised the Holy Spirit, which Jesus said “will teach you all things”. Christians also have the Scriptures, so that “the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”

    Nowhere does it say a Governing Body or Watchtower Society was needed to make up the difference. The “head of the man is Christ”, not an elder, circuit or district overseer, Governing Body, Society or an Organization. The Spiritual Org chart goes Jehovah -> Jesus -> the individual Christian.

    For those in the New Covenant, it is written: And they shall not teach, each one his neighbor and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest.” It is that relationship through Christ in which a person can know the character and person of God. We will never know everything there is to know about the Infinite God, but we can know Him, in terms of that relationship. The rest are details.

  • tornapart

    a watcher.. there are many that are happy to still serve God... what they are not happy about is serving a bunch of men...

    many still want to do the preaching work but they want to preach the good news about the Christ... not the good news according to the WBTS

    Don't be so pompous and pharisaical!

    The GB have become just like the golden calf that Aaron created while Moses was up the mountain communing with God. How dare they compare themselves with Moses or any other prophet!! Their prophecies have NEVER come true! And how dare they put themselves in the place of the Son of God!

  • ziddina

    It wasn't the "errors" in the Watchtower that stumbled me; it was the errors in the bible...

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Should You Be Stumbled by Watchtower Errors?”

    No more than of anyone else’s errors.

    What matters to thinking persons is sound conclusions. If it turns out that a sound conclusions is refuted as false then so be it. That is how thinking persons learn and grow. But unfortunately for Watchtower, it holds many conclusions as valid despite them being thoroughly refuted. That behavior goes beyond mere mistake.

    An organization that insists on conclusions that are demonstrably false is an organization led by liars, or fools. Either one is dangerous.

    On top of that, the Watchtower organization teaches some things that are just flat out lies, and worse it targets children with its lies.[1]

    Marvin Shilmer



    1. For one example see the article Watchtower’s Version of “Truth” available at:

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    There is only a reward, if there is a Jehovah, a watcher

    Considering that the Watchtower claims to be Jehovah's channel of communication, there should be some evidence that communication has occured.

    Could you please quote a Watchtower publication that predicts a future event that this god communicated to them, that this god then caused to happen?



  • Londo111

    Both to Ethos and Watcher, I ask you to meditate on the following:

    Ephesians 2: 8, 9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

    Fifteen minutes, ten, fifty or seventy hours a month going door-to-door, distributing magazines, making return visits, having the rare Bible study, giving meeting parts, preparing and attending meetings, commenting, cleaning the Kingdom Hall—all these are works. By means of none can we gain “the prize’. Otherwise, one can boast in regard to what they did. Salvation is a result of Grace.

    Galatians 5:4-6, You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace. For through the Spirit, by faith, we ourselves eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.”

    By trying to justify oneself by means of law, any law, be it from Moses or the Watchtower Society, means falling away from Grace. The important matter is not a system of rules and works, but Grace and Holy Spirit, faith and love. As a result, we are impelled toward good works from within, but not the artificial works men impose on us. But never do these good works make us righteous. Rather the One who makes us righteous, makes our works righteous as well.

    2 Corinthians 3:3-6 “And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. Such is the confidence that we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God, who has made us sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.”

    In the New Covenant, we are not under any sort of legalistic or written code. Rather the ‘law’ is written on our hearts. A legalistic system of written rules kills, but the Holy Spirit gives life.

    Galatians 5:1 “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.”

    The course of a Christian is freedom, and not to submit to a yoke of popes, priests, Governing Bodies or Societies. We are free. By means of Holy Spirit and Scripture, we are fully equipped. We do not need to check indexes or bound volumes for permission on matters, we do not need to call or mail the Branch. Even elders are not masters of our faith, or even positions, but older brothers performing services. But never are they to override our conscience or Scripture.

  • nugget

    The religion calls itself "The Truth". This implies they have set themselves a high standard to be truthful. The religion also imposes penalty on those that deviate from current teachings which can include shunning by family members. So the religion is saying not only that they are "the Truth" but also all members have to follow their version of truth without question or personal viewpoint.

    If they make a mistake and then change their doctrine you have to accept that at some point they taught something that was incorrect and therefore not true. If it was not true it was a lie and fell short of the standard they have set for themselves. People may have died or been persecuted because they faithfully followed old doctrines for example on blood, they may have been Df'd because they disagreed with the societies interpretation of scripture and expressed doubts. Harm was caused.

    We accept that humans make mistakes but whilst the society wants its members to accept that they are not infallible it also insists that members accept all changes without question. They never apologise for harm caused, they never contact those df'd for questioning doctrine and apologise. It is the arrogance and duplicity that is the cause of outrage and disgust. They use expressions such as new light to hide behind implying that what they are doing is tweaking interpretation and discourage members from looking into outside influences or talking to people with a different point of view.

    It is heinous and if you aren't stumbled perhaps you haven't realised the size of the problem.

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