Ethos (and all still mentally in): Truth, Tipping Points and Standards

by NeverKnew 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LongHairGal


    There was an enormous amount of garbage I put up with, and everybody is different. However, when they pulled the rug out from under everybody and changed the core doctrine of the 1995 teaching on generation that was a major thing to me.

    These core doctrines were drilled into people's heads when they were studying and they went around knocking on doors telling the world (at the behest of the religious leaders, of course). People made important life decisions based on the religion's core doctrines and they were to be taken seriously.

    The religion could no longer be trusted at that point. THIS WAS MY TIPPING POINT.

  • Xanthippe

    Ethos: why are our core doctrines the same as they were 100 years ago.

    Dear Ethos where have you been? In 1925 WTS stated millions now living will never die. Is that not a core doctrine? Now they teach something very vexing, nay amusing, along the lines of someone now alive who once knew someone who was alive in 1914 may just possibly see the new system. Will it be in twenty years time - if you once got a postcard from someone, who knew someone, who once met someone who was alive in 1914 you may just possibly see the new system?

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane


    There's a big difference between pulling utter BS out of your butt hole and an actual "mistake"...

    When you make up rubbish and then get caught, there is no other recourse but to admit your lie... but the Watchtower has spun their "admissions of guilt" into "new understandings" without actually admitting that they simply make up shit as they go along...

    You haven't even scatch the surface yet... when you do, come back and join the discussion... For now, it's best that you run along with your brainwashed friends... Otherwise, I may have to report you to the GB 2.0... we wouldn't want that to happen now would we? After all, you could find yourself in a JC for interacting with known apostates... In fact, if Armageddon comes this afternoon, you will be destroyed with no hopes of resurrection...

  • jookbeard

    Ethos ; what do you think of your organizations full paid up membership of The United Nations in which they lied about being a member of?

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Ethos the sooner you get your head around the fact that you have been mislead all your life and it's all total utter bollocks the better off you'll be. I'm kicking myself I didnt walk in 1995 when the generation game changed... don't waste decades of your life in this cult.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades
    You guys read these cult books and suddenly think you have perfectly articulated and deduced what JWs would and would not do. I think thats a little presumptuous and arrogant to tell me I dont have a "tipping point".

    we WERE jws at one point. some of us were pioneers, bethelites, and/or elders. we came from all spectrums.

    quite a few of us were born in, some of us joined up later.

    many of us still have family members still in.

    so yes, we have a pretty damn good idea how you guys operate. maybe not YOU per se, but by and large, we know the culture within.

    If JWs change so much, why are our core doctrines the same as they were 100 years ago.

    with that statement, i wonder just how much you actually know about the history of jehovah's witnesses.

    1. 100 years ago, blood transfusions would have been cool.
    2. in the past 100 years,you guys said that organ donations were ok, then they were cannibalistic, and now they're ok
    3. in the past 100 years, you guys seperated blacks and whites.
    4. in the past 100 years, you guys taught that 1914 was the end times
      1. then you taught 1918 was the end times and that god would destroy all the churches.
      2. then you taught that 1925 was the end times and that moses would be ressurected
      3. then you taught that the in 1975, it'd have been 6k years since adam's creation and the start of the new system.
      4. we could go on and on...

        I have to wonder why people cant help but focus.on seven million little JWs, when Christendom has been teaching traditions and pagan concepts for two thousand years and refuses to stop deceiving the REAL masses.

        again, you forget that this is a forum of ex-jehovah's-witnesses

        besides, there's plenty of us ex-jws who are atheists, non-religious, or some form of spiritual with a distaste for organized religion.

    5. punkofnice

      If JWs change so much, why are our core doctrines the same as they were 100 years ago

      Ethos, young fellow mi' lad! Which 'core doctrines' exactly?

      Can you cite the doctrine, the publication it was 100 years ago and do the same for 'now' and compare them with current 'understanding'?


    6. rather be in hades
      rather be in hades

      that'll be an interesting answer.

      let's see...for catholics their core teaching of a holy trinity hasn't changed in what? over a thousand years?

      for all of christianity, even the mormons if you want to count them as christians, their core teachings of salvation through jesus death hasn't exactly changed in a long time either...

      so what makes jws special?

    7. Ethos

      Core doctrines that havent changed: The importance of using and sanctifying God's name, Jehovah. The role of Jesus Christ not as God Almighty, but God's son who will rule as King of Gods Kingdom fof 1,000 years. God is not nor has he ever been a pagan Trinity god. God does not torture souls forever and ever in a fiery hell. The soul is not immortal. The dead are unconscious. The value of Christ's ransom sacrifice. The importance of political neutrality and not participating in wars. The responsibility of true Christians to preach to everyone and not leave it to a paid clergy class. Advocating the urgency of the times and the parousia of Christ. I could go on but I think this is sufficient.

    8. sabastious
      I guess its time for me to ditch this wacko cult called University. I know the truth about the truth and am an expert at identifying cults. I have read many many books. I cant wait to throw my textbooks away!

      This sounds like you are in a cult without knowing it and it has changed how you view university education. I made a video about how they warp your brain on this topic:


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