Is the WT the only true religion?

by Christ Alone 83 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    In this wicked world that we live in it seems that everyone is looking for a solution to the problems that we see around us. Some turn to politics. Some turn to science. Some turn to religion. Where in this wicked old world can we truly find answers that matter?

    Many have turned to the Bible for these answers. But with so many religions, how can we find one that actually teaches the truth about the Bible? The Bible has been around for thousands of years. We see thousands of religions that claim to teach the Bible. So where can we find an organization that actually IS teaching biblical truth?

    Fortunately for us, God's word prophesied that there would one day be a people called by his own name. (Is 43:10). Who is the ONLY religion that bears God's true name, Jehovah? These people are a group of men and women that you come across every day. They are your neighbors. They work with you. They go to school with you. These people are non other than Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are united in the same teachings throughout the world. What is taught from the Bible in the United States is the same information being taught in the tundras of Africa. These men and women teach the truth from the Bible. They believe that they have the only true religion. Why? Jesus Christ certainly didn't agree that there are many religions that are acceptable to him. He said in Matthew 7:14 that only a few would find the road to salvation. Jehovah's Witnesses have found that road! How do we know?

    One reason is the identifying mark of a true religion that Jesus gave us. John 13:35 states that people would recognize the true religion by the love that it shows. What are Jehovah's Witnesses record? As Jesus showed, true love comes from teaching others about God's Word. No one is teaching the truth about God's word to the extent that Jehovah's Witnesses are. We preach in 236 lands worldwide! We publish Bibles and bible based literature in 540 languages! There are over 7 million of us serving each other in love in over 109,000 congregations!

    How else do we show love? We REFUSE to go to war. Many religions do a work of caring for the sick, elderly, and poor. However, what happens when the nation goes to war? They go and kill their neighbor. Jehovah's Witnesses do not do that! The Bible teaches that we are to have no part in politics or worldly affairs of the nations.

    Ask yourself a few questions in order to see what the true religion is: Which religion teaches its members to overcome political, racial, and economic barriers that divide people? We can easily answer that it is Jehovah's Christian Witnesses that do this! Which religion has a reputation for upholding the Bible's high moral standards? Again: Jehovah's Witnesses do! Which religion encourages people to study the scriptures to see if what they are learning is really true? JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES!

    Yes, in this troubled world, we can find help and support and HOPE within God's TRUE theocratic visible organization.

  • Londo111

    I say we start a petition to get Simon to boot Christ Alone from JWN! Ban him! Ban him!

  • blondie
  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    I'll have what CA's smoking.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Londo111, Jesus said that we would be persecuted for his name. Being banned is always a possibility. But I take my side with Jehovah of Armies! The truth cannot be silenced!

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I think the phrase "true religion" is an oxymoron.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Why do you say that, Keyser Soze? Didn't Jesus tell us that in the last days we would worship the Father with spirit and TRUTH? (John 4:23).

    While all other religions CLAIM to teach the truth, Jehovah's Witnesses alone follows the Bible completely, even when it is not popular with the world. The world says that blood may be needed to save a life. However, though unpopular, Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to compromise their integrity and follow the Bible's strict order to "abstain from blood". (Acts 15:29)

    When Jesus was talking to the Sameritan woman, she asked him a question. It is a vital question that we all answer. She said, "Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem." Did Jesus tell her that it didn't matter? That one could belong to any religion of his or her choosing? Are all religions roads leading to the same place? Or did he tell her that something specific was required to please God?

    Jesus answered that our worship MUST be based on truth. If truth could not be found, then how could we worship God? Religious truth exists, and the evidence shows that Jehovah's visible organization alone is teaching it.

  • leaving_quietly

    I used to believe everything JWs teach. I still believe some things. It can truthfully be said that all religions teach SOME truth, but no religion teachs TOTAL truth. If that were the case, the JW version of truth would not change. Yet, it does. Often.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    The WT is not a religion. The religion it serves, Jehovah's Witnesses, is the only true religion.

    Some people understand that now.

    Everyone else will understand it during the Great Tribulation.


    What a train Wreck..LOL!!..

    Jehovah's Witnesses are united in the same teachings throughout the world..

    Most JW`s don`t know what they`re supposed to believe or how to explain it..

    These men and women teach the truth from the Bible.

    They teach insanity from WBT$ literature..

    No one is teaching the truth about God's word to the extent that Jehovah's Witnesses are..

    Did all the Mormons die?

    We preach in 236 lands worldwide! We publish Bibles and bible based literature in 540 languages!

    You Publish WBT$ Literature..

    95% of it is stored in spare bedrooms,garages attics.. ect..

    In JW homes in 236 lands world wide..

    How else do we show love? We REFUSE to go to war.

    So do the Amish..

    Many religions do a work of caring for the sick, elderly, and poor.

    Thats good ..The WBT$ won`t do sh*t for anybody..

    However, what happens when the nation goes to war? They go and kill their neighbor. Jehovah's Witnesses do not do that!

    JW kill their own.. No Blood transfusions..

    The Bible teaches that we are to have no part in politics or worldly affairs of the nations.

    The WBT$ had an association with the UN..

    The OP has so many holes..

    I`ll use it to strain boiling Spaggetti..

    ................................. mutley-ani1.gif ... OUTLAW

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