you wrote this to me... "He is the stone over which many... many... perhaps including yourself... stumble". You made it a topic of discussion.
Well, I didn't emphasize it, but okay... I can give you that.
So you will change what you say until it means whatever you want? Initially it was getting hit by the object, now it's tripping over it?
Hmmmm... let's see. I first stated:
"... you could be standing still and have something come [rapidly] toward you. You weren't paying attention, though... until right when it was upon you. You start to move/step/jump out of the way... but not fast or soon enough."
Then I stated:
"If you're standing still and the object hits you, yes. If you try to get out of its way... and trip (over it... or perhaps over your own feet)/almost fall doing so... that is stumbling..."
What did I change?
Still doesn't jive, getting hit by a Jesus moving at high speeds towards you when you aren't moving isn't stumbling.
When you aren't moving, yes. But, please see both of my statements, restated above.
You're just saying whatever sounds like it might be in any way plausible to make you sounds right.
Well, no... I was trying to help you "see" what stumbling includes. That you still don't/can't/won't isn't on me.
So....yeah, still here.
Cool. I always enjoy our interchanges... until you start playing to the crowd (of usual suspects). Then you just disappoint me. Because I know you're (much) more intelligent than that. I remember "when"... even if some of the more recent folks don't.
Wow. That's a pretty harsh criticism of JW's.
Perhaps. But it's accurate, dear NC (peace to you... still). As someone said, "The truth hurts (sometimes)."
Not my experience at all.
Then you are the exception.
Misled? Yes. But plenty that I knew went to college
Again, you are the exception. You're also being dishonest again. That you're being so in favor of Jehovah's Witnesses, simply because you need to disagree with me is... interesting. Another attempt to change the flavor of this forum yet again: from "let's help JWs/exJWs who need it have a place to speak freely, on whatever topic"... to "this place was started for atheists" (although nothing could be further from the truth)... now to "Many JWs are well-read and college-educated." Please... stop it.
and some were quite bright and loved to read.
Now THAT I agree with. SOME were... and did. Absolutely. I never said otherwise (although the choice in reading material for some of those who "loved" to read doesn't necessarily go well with them on that - I mean, it does call into question their reading comprehension skills).
Acting like anything above an 8th grade education is held in contempt is not accurate either.
Yes... it is. Very accurate. In fact, there was an article telling the "friends," in essence, that the only reason they needed to finish high school was because the law required it. Of course, the article went on to emphasize that the law did NOT require college, though, so... that shouldn't be considered. Rather, Bethel, pioneering, Gilead, special pioneering, etc., is what a young person should pursue. Surely, you read that article... and was present for the study of it??
There is plenty wrong with the WT
Yes, plenty... including their suppression of reading (anything other than their publications), reading comprehension (anything other than what they say something means), and education (unless one plans to use that education to further WTBTS interests)... which is one of the ways they are ABLE to hold sway over their members: by demeaning education. They teach a disdain for it, actually. Methinks you prolly didn't pay much attention to the Service Meeting information and other "announcements from the podium"... or read the Kingdom Ministry.
but misrepresenting or blowing out of proportion what they stand for, just because you disrespect their beliefs, is a bit uncalled for.
Please... stop. Stop trying to "correct" me... because you're sounding silly, in light of what is true about this issue. I didn't state anything that wasn't true. Truly, your comments here make me think you don't know much about the WTBTS at all but are disagreeing with me... "just because" it's me. Unfortunately, I think you would find WAY more folks that disagree with you on this particular matter. You don't have to take my word for it, though... or even ask Christ. Take a poll. Just include a disclaimer that you would like responders to be completely honest and fully candid. Oh, wait... it's you: try starting there. Just be a LITTLE honest for a change. This particular topic shouldn't make that that hard.
Reminds me of arguments asserting that the Jews didn't own, know how to use, or use swords.
But I ain't mad at'cha... so my wish for peace for you remains.
A slave of Christ,