A truce between Atheists and Non-Atheists?

by palmtree67 699 Replies latest jw friends

  • Qcmbr

    yeah but my wife is in bed and huffing at the noise of my typing :S hehe

  • cofty

    Sweet dreams ;)

  • tec

    yeah but my wife is in bed and huffing at the noise of my typing :S hehe

    Lol... now that sounds familiar.

    Common ground ;)



  • elderelite

    Coffy, i agree whole heartly on that. But as a former follower of the wt cult i reconize that trying to convince someone they are in a cult only goes so far. After a while you are just pushing them deeper into it. Tec has been reasoned with adinfinitium about this. In the end she is grown and if she choose to continue following its her choice :) we can remain viglant about warning newer one from the cult, but some are simply happy following. It really is their choice.

  • cofty

    You are right elderlite.

    I am conscious of the many who read such threads who are spiritually vulnerable and searching.

    The promise of a spiritual mentor who eschews religion and church and who receives amazing visions could be very tempting.

    That is why I think it is important to challenge something that I am convinced is potentially abusive.

  • elderelite

    And i hope its abundantly clear i agree and do the same cofty! I feel its critical to engage people and reason with them so that they do not fall prey to something without seeing the other side. If they still choose after seeing others call "BS" then so be it.

  • cofty
  • tec

    Just can't see it, can you?

  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    I came to bring war, not peace!

    Everyone is ugly!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    mmmmmm....I see dead people...

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