Yes, for good reason appellation Father is dominant in the NT over Jehovah

by QC 48 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mP

    Jehovah is not present in NT because xianity was a merger of many different beliefs for many different people. If the title God is used nobody would be offended but using Jehovah would offend all non jews, because Greeks knew god as Zeus, Romans used Jupiter and so on.

    The RCC continued this by adopting saints who were previously pagan heros and gods just to bring some new land into the family.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    As a trinity Rianti, _I take exception to your bashing. A bashing not accompanied by a single explanation.

  • mP


    PTERIST: The whole old nation of Israel was " a kingdom of priests" in the sense that it was the distinct national business to mediate, or provide a venue between mankind and God (as the story goes). like:


    Given the jews were exclusive and didnt want to mingle with non jews who exzctly were they going to be priests too ? Thats madness imagine everyone in America was a priest. What purpose does it serve having everyone making sacrifices and praying all day ?

  • QC

    @Band on the Run

    Britannica "Judaism, as the Jewish religion came to be known in the 1 st century AD, was based on ancient Israelite religion, shorn of many of its Canaanite characteristics but with the addition of important features from Babylonia and Persia. The Jews differed from other people in the ancient world because they believed that there was only one God." Here's the OT proof:

    NIV "Don't all of us have one Father? Didn't one God create us?" Mal 2:10 "You alone are God." Ps 86:10

    LIT "Jehovah, You are our Father... we all are Your handiwork." Isa 64:8

    CLV "There is none like You among the elohim, O Yahweh." Ps 86:8

    This Scriptural evidence shines a bright light on the Trinitarians paper trail. 1 st century Christians did not believe in a Trinity doctrine. One God divisible by "holy three" entities is absurd to Christian JEWS whose theology comes from Judaism. Furthermore, there is no 1 st CENTURY Jewish Christian polemic signature writing arguing for an ineffable mysterious Godhead that somehow is "one God, with three eternal personalities." Why is this important to note? JEWS are the only ones allowed to write Biblical theology:

    "Moses...received living words to pass on to us [Jews];" Acts 7:38 " being a Jew...Jews have been ENTRUSTED with the very words of god." NIV Ro 3:1-2

    None of the apostles or NT writers uses this 4 th century language:

    Athanasian Creed "The Father is almighty, the Son almighty, and the Holy Spirit almighty;

    The Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, is all one; and yet they are

    not three eternals but one eternal"

    This articulation began arriving in the Constantinian 4 th CENTURY with non-Jew theological revisionist GENTILE Athanasius; Egyptian cleric from the Alexandrian diocese, exiled for 17 years—by emperors Constantine, Constantius, Julian and Valens—for his novel Hellenized theology which places the Hebrew God in the pantheon of Greek mythology.

    If Trinitarian theology is fundamental change to Christianity it wouldn't take 300 years for it to be authenticated. Any FUNDAMENTAL legitimate change would happen in 1 st century Christianity. This sort of change would model the circumcision fundamental change. Judaizer objectors to ending circumcision Ga 2:14 force a cause celebre public debate to be heard by Jewish Christian pillars, apostles and elders. These JEWISH Christians accountable for the foundation of Christianity resolve the circumcision issue by ending it. This foundational change comes early in Christianity's development. Clearly, any other fundamental foundation change (like Trinity theology) would be given the same cause celebre attention early in Christianity's development. Absence of early polemic signature writings and public debate speaks volumes about the illegitimacy of the Trinity doctrine. The OFFICIAL WRITTEN CREEDS expressing triune language start hitting the planet during political battles amongst Catholic clerics at the Constantine 325CE synod in Nicaea, Asia Minor.

    Theory that the Trinity is a 300 year trickledown metamorphosis and therefore legitimate is false, it is not compatible with canonical authentic Jewish Christian theology.

    Just as JWs can't force the name Jehovah into the Greek text to bolster their Yahwist religious fantasy, Trinitarians can't force tritheism into the Greek text to bolster their religious triune fantasy. Both beliefs are ideological inventions by men. Trinitarians are disciples of Athanasius, JWs are disciples of Rutherford. TIMING of each historic narrative debunks their claims to legitimacy. Trying to calibrate the NT with a Trinity calibration is a falsifiable reach too far.

    Sidebar: "Through these he has given us his precious and wonderful promises, so that through them you may participate in the DIVINE NATURE, seeing that you have escaped the corruption that is in the world caused by evil desires." 2Pet 1:4

    Jesus having "divine nature" does not make him equal with the Father, just as Christian "participating in divine nature" clearly doesn't make them equal with the Father. Jesus' divinity (god) and Christians divinity (gods) does not make these divinities equal to the Father, and if unequal automatically false divinities (false gods).

    There is a divine class of legitimate gods of which the Father is supreme (has no God above him). Jesus is second rank (has the Father as his God, Re 3:12; 21:7 ). and Christians are a lower rank (with the Father as their God).

  • prologos

    mp thank you, but the Jewish nation "--you will become -- a kingdom (singular) of priests---" Exodus 19:6 (preamble to Law covenant.)

    :hence the mixed multitude.-- Queeen of sheeba-- etc etc. that nation was the only one representing Jehovah (the desert God) for better or worse, mostly worse, was the nation of Israel,

    divine mediation was supposed to be the national enterprise.and

    of course to put on record the example on --how not to do it with mostly corrupt government and religious leaders.and

    Israelites became the best MEDIATORS in Commerce, finance instead.

    Just as the US has become a BUSINESS model for the world, ( not a religious one.) Edison, Ford, Steve Job, Gates were not priests but pioneers of progress.american style.

    "thats madness": yes, it is a mad mad world.

  • villagegirl

    Ephesians 2: 12- !9

    12 Remember that you were at that time separate from Christ,

    excluded from the commonwealth of Israel,

    and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.

    13 But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

    14 For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall,

    15 by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances,

    so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace,

    16 and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross,

    by it having put to death the enmity.

    17 And He came and preached peace to you who were far away, and peace to those who were near;

    18 for through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father.

    19 So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God's household,


  • mP


    mp thank you, but the Jewish nation "--you will become -- a kingdom (singular) of priests---" Exodus 19:6 (preamble to Law covenant.)


    Whats the point of having a kingdom of priests ? How many priests does a country need ? Imagine if your country all men were priests. Thats utterly stupid.

  • mP


    Just as the US has become a BUSINESS model for the world, ( not a religious one.) Edison, Ford, Steve Job, Gates were not priests but pioneers of progress.american style.


    You might want to check who invented your world, it wasnt the Americans.

    THe british inveneted our world. The reason we dont have slaves, the industrial revolution, the reason kids goto school, democracy, the big changes and much more come because of social and economic changes that England started. If they didnt do those things we would be walking about with no shoes working like serfs. Sure they have problems but they did change the world for the better, something the bible cannot claim.

    The www, the ARM chips that power all Steve JObs devices were design in England. They also invented the computer and so on. Your being to American centric and not looking at the big picture.

  • mP


    Israelites became the best MEDIATORS in Commerce, finance instead.


    They became bankers becase they were banned from most other industries and money lending and interest was considered a low job. Blame the RCC.

    I fail to understand why you mention this anyway.

  • mP


    :hence the mixed multitude.-- Queeen of sheeba-- etc etc. that nation was the only one representing Jehovah (the desert God) for better or worse, mostly worse, was the nation of Israel,

    divine mediation was supposed to be the national enterprise.and

    MP: Im confused what exactly is this about ?

    If your referring to the jews being priests for everybody else you might want to double check the law. They arent even allowed to marry and are supposed to kill all non believers. In fact in the NT, we have stories where they wont even eat with gentiles. How can an Apartheid system like that possibly be about cooperation ? That doesnt make sense.

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