WT Elders school: Avoid black and white thinking - now look at this zebra

by sir82 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Londo111

    Jehovah’s Witnesses understand Law, but Grace is a foreign concept to them.

    As I was chatting with my grandfather about grace versus law, he said in a puzzled manner, “What is grace?”

    Of course, the NWT translated the word grace as ‘undeserved kindness’ in the majority of cases, and I believe the word ‘favor’ on a rare occasion--though I’m going by memory on the latter. But the point is the word grace is covered over. By controlling words, one controls the thoughts.

  • Scott77


  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Moses and Aaron prayed to God and God said to them stone the lawbreaker. It's obvious Moses and Arron wanted discipline amongst the Isralites first and foremost so they came up with the " God said " idea . This would also serve as a warning to others not to break the law.

    The lack of evidence for God actually speaking to them personally is overwhelming it's a bit like modern day leaders of nations saying we have God on our side. Or the Watchtower Governing Body claiming to be Jehovahs mouthpiece.

    It's all just a scam.

  • Londo111

    As Devo said, "Whip it! Whip it good!"

  • sd-7
    They'd absolutely LOVE to murder each and every poster on this message board.

    Ah. Reminds me of my judicial committee, when I brought this up, said to the elders, "You'd probably kill me over this if they told you to." The chairman said, "Well, the Bible does have pretty specific commands against murder." (And since when has a little thing like the Bible ever got in the way, may I ask?) With a smirk that could melt metal, I said, "Well, maybe not everyone would do it."

    This incident with the guy picking up sticks is one of those huge problems with the Bible and the God of the Bible, if you ask me. So let me get this straight, David fraks his buddy's wife, then sets his buddy up to die so he can take his wife, and STILL gets away with it, but the guy picking up sticks has to go? Manasseh burned his own kids in the fire and bowed down to idols, but no stoning there, he gets the chance to repent. But that guy with the sticks, he's done.

    Maybe that's the point the elders were trying to be told: as long as you're in the right place in the organization, you can get away with, yes, murder. But your job as elders is to make sure the rank-and-file can't do the same. I know, brothers, it seems unreasonable, but try to look at it from Jehovah's viewpoint...


  • frankiespeakin


    Wowzers, is that guy off the deep egde if he thinks that is an example of avoiding black and white thinking how twisted is that,,there is a whole lot of denial going on in thiers heads is all I can say and just goes to show what they say "Garbage in, Garbage out" they got some bad programming going on in thier psyche and it is spiting out this garbage.

    Thanks for sharing this info,

  • sir82

    Oh, the big justification for killing the stick-picker?

    He did this sin "deliberately". The verses just prior in Numbers talk about "deliberate" sin, so "clearly" this guy got what he deserved.

    Downright spooky, the mindset of the JW higher-ups.

  • Londo111

    As SD-7 pointed out, David deliberately committed adultery and covered it up with murder. How was that different? How about in Deuteronomy 18, where if a person makes a prediction that does not come true, they are to be put to death?

    Of course, as pointed out, the real problem by being fixated on Old Testament examples is they miss the message of Christianity. Christians are not under Law, but Grace. Grace and Law do not mix.

    BTW...thanks for the intel, Sir82!

  • BlindersOff1


  • LostGeneration

    Thanks for the reports Sir.....

    Can't wait for your report on the p0rn talk.....and whether they made good use of video in that one!!!!

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