WT Elders school: Avoid black and white thinking - now look at this zebra

by sir82 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    David probably gets a pass in the WT's eyes because the Israelites were so hell-bent on having a king just like the other surrounding nations. So Jehovah' let them have a king, but in addition to the king they got all of the corruption that comes along with such an institution. David was essentially above the law because in Jehovah's eyes, that's what the Israelites wanted. (I know, I know). On the other hand, history is written by the victors, and you don't get much more victorious than King David. He was like the Aryan Brotherhood on steroids, when you kill as much as he did it went without saying what he says, goes. Somebody's husband got murked? And David is sleeping with her? I don't know what you're talking about. By the way what happened to Michael down the hillside, heard he was badmouthing the King then he kinds just disappeared.

    Regardless of all of that, where's Jesus Christ within all these policies and procedures? Why don't they just eliminate the Gospels entirely with the sole exception of Matt 24:25? Might as well start enforcing beard and locks growth. Candidates for baptism prior to water immersion will have an Awl piercing to REALLY sympolize who their masters are.

  • OnTheWayOut

    WOW! "Avoid black and white thinking, there are often shades of gray involved. Now that I got that obligatory statement out of the way, be harsh and use Old Testament-style judgement. Cast stones before doubting it's the right thing to do, then quote scriptures to back up your harshness."

    I think I get what the guy was trying to say. Black and white thinking might allow a body of elders to say that a member is not committing any "judicial" sins in their activities that allow them to miss "spiritual" activity. But introducing shades of gray will let them reason that Jehovah [and His organization] read the heart and the members whose hearts are straying need to be dealt with harshly for their own good.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Maybe that's the point the elders were trying to be told: as long as you're in the right place in the organization, you can get away with, yes, murder. But your job as elders is to make sure the rank-and-file can't do the same. I know, brothers, it seems unreasonable, but try to look at it from Jehovah's viewpoint...

    That may be the most truthful thing said on this string. The "right place in the Organization". Yep. You can get away with murder.


  • Sulla

    Of course. The Children of the Corn ripped the NT pages out of the bible, as I recall. Makes perfect sense.

  • problemaddict

    I have a question.

    I thought the WTBTS was softenign their stance on disfellowshipping. This is what I have been hearing left and right. I have heard far few being announced, or happening in my area. And I am ina pretty densely populated area of California people.

    So would this reflect a departure from that trend? It would be interesting to think that tightening the reigns would I suppose leave you with only the most loyal adherants, although maybe less than you would have like to have had.

    Its a thought I never entertained before when considering colsolidation of power such as the new light suggests is the direction they continue to go.

  • tiki

    wow...jesus and the law of love is out the window...interesting someone mentioned "grace"... i still have the hardest time wrapping my head around that concept....after so many years of "you good for nothing slaves"........ but between the reading something from job to a suicidal young woman and now this....really very callous in terms of love and humanity, compassion....empathy...all that jesus taught and stood for...

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    Thanks sir82!



    " I thought the WTBTS was softenign their stance on disfellowshipping. This is what I have been hearing left and right. I have heard far few being announced, or happening in my area. And I am ina pretty densely populated area of California people. "

    Well being in the Mid-west I have always been told that Cali is pretty liberal. Meetings like this are designed to get the troops back in line. I would expect more DF'ing in the future. Brazen conduct like gathering sticks ( working overtime, or planning for retirement ) will be more common. Well, I am exaggerating a little. Don't question the Slave (tm) or you will be DF'd.

    Thanks Sir82. You kick A.

  • ziddina

    Marking and bumping...

  • Satanus

    Making the black blacker. A conflicting message like this must screw w their heads. Isn't that how brainwashing is done?


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