WT Elders school: Avoid black and white thinking - now look at this zebra

by sir82 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    The reality is probably more like:

    moses made up his religion after meeting the volcano, got his brother in on the new scam of the day (yet another religion) and after looking like they were praying to this made up volcano god, decided that an example needed to be made of this fellow who flouted the new rules.

    better kill him and make it memorable.

    But yeah... jehovahs witnesses are as christian as Islam is.


  • smiddy

    When you tell a lie you have to tell other lies to back up your first lie and so on .

    When you tell a falsehood you have to tell more falsehoods to back up your first falsehood and so on .

    When you tell a lie and a falsehood together you have to back it up with a lie and a falsehood and so on .

    When you tell a falsehood and a lie you have to back it up with a falsehood and a lie and so on .

    Sooner or later you are not going to know the difference between a lie and a falsehood and confuse them both .

    No wonder Jehovah`s Witnesses rely solely on what the Governing Body says, without thinking for themselves ,why in the world they acknowledge jehovah gave them a brain to think for themselves remains a mystery.


  • cyberjesus

    This is the same people who published a book titled "Reasoning.... from the scriptures".... but alas.. they dont reason, they only follow orders... if you reason you are accused of being an "Independent thinker"...

    If I Reason from the scriptures you will disfellowship me!

  • sir82
    So would this reflect a departure from that trend?

    Oh they definitely came down hard on disfellowshipping.

    They did not explicitly state "you guys are too soft - you should disfellowship more." But the not-so-subtle message as outlined in this post and the next one I'll do when I get a moment, was quite clear.

    The implicit message was quite clear - "You guys are too soft, you should be disfellowshipping more."

  • OnTheWayOut

    "The beatings will continue until morale improves!"

    This mentality only works on the old-timers who avoid the "beatings." Younger people learn to leave or hide their actions/opinions that lead to such beatings.

  • Eiben Scrood
    Eiben Scrood

    I condemn the Watchtower for their stance but I think the examples supplied in this thread show how contradictory the Bible itself is. What kind of maniacal God can kill someone for picking up sticks and then let a murderer go free? Then he scraps the whole system for a supposedly kinder one until he writes Revelation where the slaughter reaches the bridles of the horses.

  • notjustyet

    It seems that they are changing their "black and white" thinking to "Black and Blue" thinking.

    Seems like they are hammering the elders for being too nice lately, several threads make mention of this.


  • skeeter1

    The God of Abraham is nuts.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Okay, so they're consolidating their power by proclaiming themselves to be the FDS. Now they're increasing the fear level among the elders which will filter down to the R&F.

    It's nearly time to pass the Kool-Aid.

  • james_woods

    Well, this thread again explains to me why they are so obsessive about keeping these Elder's schools top secret...

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