non believers what if your wrong ?

by unstopableravens 546 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NoStonecutters

    A person could say that the socalled divine law sprang from the empathy that is universal in humans and some animals.

    But this doesn't explain evil; on the contrary, it tends to rationalize it.

  • sizemik

    Evil is a concept not a source.

    Lack of empathy gives rise to bad behaviour, that's all.

  • EntirelyPossible

    But the atheist definition of empathy isn't moral, it is Newtonian—merely chemical.


    You run into problems when others don't have or act on empathy, based on their own chemical reactions.

    Ok. And?

    Empathy can't be the atheist's standard given that definition, because atheist philosophy is highly dependent upon relativism. Empahty, in all of its results, would be considered and absolute, wouldn't it?

    There is no "atheists definition" as far as I am aware. Is there a club I should sign up for to get my official definition list?

  • fakesmile

    it crosses my mind in a thunderstorm. but it will be what it is. i will not reverse my position however i will admit to being wrong.

  • fakesmile

    i will not cower in fear for my life choices tho.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Yes, Satanus, that is where the Creator of all our chemical reactions comes in, because despite our abundance or lack of empathy, there is a standard by which to determine morality in the absence of empathy or one's unwillingness to act upon it.

    Can you re-write that so it makes sense?

  • NoStonecutters

    Lack of empathy gives rise to bad behaviour, that's all.

    But how do you determine what is bad or good in the absence of empathy? Is the unempathetic a bad person? Bad measured against what? How can you determine this when life is merely a series of actions and reactions?

  • Satanus

    In contrast to the universal empathy thing, evil could be defined as a deviation from it. This is especially easy when things get codified. Enforcement is the challenge. 'Police' can't be eveywhere, all the time. Enter religion and its taboos! God is always there, as a 24/7 security system. The deviation can now be rebranded as 'evil'.


  • perfect1

    Their are plenty of moral systems without God.

    Take Utilitarianism, for example. The Greatest Good for the greatest number.

    Also, those lacking empathy are considered psychopaths.

  • NoStonecutters

    Satanus, who is to say that empathy is a good thing? If everything is chemical, then everything is equally valid, be it psychopathy or empathy.

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