non believers what if your wrong ?

by unstopableravens 546 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dinah

    My husband has always told me, if man had no God they would create one.............

    Thousands of years ago, psychopaths created one to lead them to beat all of humanity into submission so they could hold God-like power over them. It goes back to superstition, mistrust of women, conquering other tribes for world domination. Do you think the "powers that be" abandoned that?

  • EntirelyPossible

    Correction: natural selection is part of evolution but not exclusive to evolution.

    Correction: I never said it was exclusive to evolution. Your attempt at correction is an error and irrelevant. You are still confused.

  • Twitch
    i am simply wondering if the atheist or non god believers every worry about what if your wrong?

    No, I'm not worried one bit

  • Finkelstein
  • NewChapter

    I know. And that's why you couldn't answer my simple question about a month back asking atheists by which standard they determine their supposed morality.

    Uhm, no. First, I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU to change context. I was referring to a spiritual ruler---one in which you feel the need to measure where everyone is---therefore you see non-belief as a spiritual condition. I am telling you that I don't believe the ruler exists nor is it a valid way to measure everyone's existense.

    NOW you come to MORALILTY, and really thought I wasn't going to notice the slight of hand?

    What you call a simple question only seems that way, because the world is very simple to you. Good vs Evil. Period. And you don't define EVIL yourself, you use a book. I have taken a different approach. I have taken responsiblity for my morality. I understand that this is NOT a simple question, and is relative to time, place, culture and circumstance. And I take responsibility for it! I understand that the moral thing in one circumstance is not the moral thing in another circumstance.

    So let's take the same request---that I utter a prayer. It is actually against my moral code to do such, as I believe I should be as genuine as possible and not misrepresent where I stand on these things.

    So who requested it? A bunch of fundies that are using social pressure to subdue me? Ain't uttering the prayer.

    A 90 year old lady who is sick and dying and says it will bring her comfort? I'm there for her. My identity, for this moment, can take a back seat to her comfort for a few minutes.

    See how that works? We are the product of Evolution and have these amazing brains that are able to take in the circumstances, consequences, benefits, make snap judgements, and reprioritize at the blink of a nicely evolved eye.

    I don't lie as a rule. It doesn't sit welll with me.

    Question: Where did you eat lunch? I will answer honestly.

    Question: Is so and so there, we'd like to burn him at the stake for offending our god. Answer: Barely a thought, I lie.

  • NewChapter

    But the atheist definition of empathy isn't moral,

    LOL. You're right, EP. He is cute like a puppy.

  • unstopableravens

    hey new chapter correct me if im wrong ;most atiest here do not believe in god because they feel the evidence does not point in that direction and they see nothing that proves his existance.? this seems to be how ppl feel. with that said putting aside evidence or the lack of if you had a choice to have god exist and live by his standards or would you chose for him to not exist.(not making a god but the god of the bible) and live by your own standards and this life be it?

  • EntirelyPossible

    NOW you come to MORALILTY, and really thought I wasn't going to notice the slight of hand?

    Not that I am picky about certain things.....but I am totally picky about certain things. Sleight of hand....sleight, meaning to be dextrous or cunning with an intent to fool someone. Sorry, couldn't help myself. OTOH, Mrs. J taught me what bespoke meant a month or so ago. How I could go my entire life not knowing that was a mystery to me.

    with that said putting aside evidence or the lack of if you had a choice to have god exist and live by his standards or would you chose for him to not exist.

    Not exist. I prefer to not rape, murder and take slaves on command just because someone got to my favorite seat before I did.

  • 144001

    I might also be wrong that cats don't talk, that elephants don't fly, and that birds are responsible for the shit on my car. I'll take that chance.

  • NewChapter

    hey new chapter correct me if im wrong ;most atiest here do not believe in god because they feel the evidence does not point in that direction and they see nothing that proves his existance.? this seems to be how ppl feel. with that said putting aside evidence or the lack of if you had a choice to have god exist and live by his standards or would you chose for him to not exist.(not making a god but the god of the bible) and live by your own standards and this life be it?

    The only way I can answer that Unstop is to say when I believed in a god, I tried to lived by what I believed its standards were. Until the end that is, and I'll get to that.

    Now, if I could choose between the god of the bible and no god, what would I choose? No god. The god of the bible is horrible and it turns out my own standards are much higher. I would not want to live with a god like that forever, so I'm good with this life being it. I know this from my history also. Since I believed this life would be 'it' if I didn't live up to the standards of the god I believed in, toward the end of my time of belief, that was the choice I made. I decided that I'd rather just let this life be it than follow that god anymore. He was brutal, he made brutal people, and my heart was not into it anymore. I could no longer dumb myself down to his standards, I could no longer turn my face from evidence of Evolution, I could no longer believe in a literal flood. It simply was not true, and if that god expected me to lobotomize myself to worship it acceptably, then that was not going to happen.

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