by ÁrbolesdeArabia 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Chariklo

    The thing is, the whole Watchtower thing is a fabrication, sheer fantasy, fiction made up, largely, it seems, by Rutherford.

    Since then, it becomes more and more important to them to keep control at all costs. They probably convince themselves that they are Gpd's agents on earth.

    It's all magic mirrors, just illusion.

  • designs

    Chariklo- isn't that the whole problem with christianity itself, a made up amalgamation of ideas borrowed and stolen from other philosophers and rabbis.

    The blame can't be placed solely with the Wt. Leaders for this need to rule over others, 2000 years of christian imperialism shows its baked in the cake.

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    In Watchtower theology Jesus is mediator of the New Covenant. That much is scriptural. They limit the new covenant participants to God and the 144,000. A covenant is a contractual agreement. The new covenant is described in Jeremiah. The new covenant organizes spiritual Israel as a nation. A mediator is different from a propitiator. In Watchtower theology Jesus is the propitiator (peace maker, reconciler) for all. He is the mediator between God and the Bride of Christ in the New Covenant relationship.

    If one believes that only 144K are part of that covenant, then one must believe that Jesus' mediatorship concerns only them and God, the parties to the covenant. There is a distinct difference between a covenant instituting sacrifice and a propitiating (sin atoning) sacrifice. In Christian theology, Jesus' one sacrifice filled both functions. There is Old Testament precedence for that.

    The Watchtower does not teach that Christ's sacrifice does not cover all. While their teaching on mediatorship may be flawed, it is consistently misrepresented. They do not teach that all Christians are not covered by Christ's atoning sacrifice. Witness soteriology is unnecessarily convoluted.

    Personally, I’m inclined to see the number 144,000 as symbolic, though I admit there is some merit in the Watchtower argument that it is a literal number. The issue rests with God, and, unlike the Watchtower that brooks no contrary view, I’m willing to let it rest with him. I see all the issues as to the timing of ultimate salvation as a replay of 19th Century discussions that went no where then and are meaningless now.

    The problem isn’t that they see Jesus' mediatorship as confined to a small number. They see his propitiating sacrifice as applying to all, and that is sound Christian doctrine. The problem rests in their tendency to make basic doctrine as hard to understand as is possible. And they express what are no more than personal beliefs as if they were the inspired word of God.

  • tec

    I agree with the answer of control. I also think that the whole thing is built upon something they originally taught/prophecied... and the lies just keep getting added on to cover up the original false teachering. Because didn't they used to teach that all jws were annointed? But when the numbers got too big (surpassing their teaching on the 144 000, as well as passing the time when they taught the end would come), they needed some damage control.

    Paul makes things pretty clear though: There is one mediator between man and God: Christ.

    There is no mediator between man and Christ. Too many religions put themselves in the seat of Christ by claiming that they are the truth, that one must come to them if they want truth and life. If it were to be understood that none of them were needed at all, that this is a false teaching, then 'they' would stand to lose a lot of numbers, money, power, control.

    Designs makes a good point as well. Christians are to SERVE. Not to rule. Certainly not to force anyone to serve them, or believe them, etc... as many have done. So when you have some stating and showing the opposite, then you should certainly question the truth behind that and them.



  • clarity

    Arbo ... interesting post - thanks!


    Bobcat ... thanks for all the links to the cult indoctrination methods &

    putting this 'food at the proper time' into such a nice heap/pile!

    It is marked for future use.


    Seriously, this is one 'teaching' that no one gets!

    Bringing it up to R&F will guarantee a huge denial

    that they are being taught such a thing!


    This is probably the biggest elephant in the room and

    strangely one that will make jdubs shut down the fastest!


    When, with bowed heads, will this start to happen at the kh? ---->

    "we ask all these things in jesus name Governing Body's name ...amen"

    Wonder how many would walk?


  • Finkelstein

    In 1919 J Rutherford proclaimed that the WTS. organization had been selectively chosen by god to be his earthly voice for all mankind.

    You could realistically say that he did so as marketing ploy to attract attension to the WTS. published goods and to himself as a spiritual leaders of sorts.

    Mind you at that time they were still peddling books concerning Pyramidology, but thats another story.

    Since that time the WTS. started to point their finger at Christendom as false teachers who were immersed with pagan traditions

    but they on the other hand were true bible interpreters by virtue of god's guiding spirit being pored over them.

    Over time this identifying significance of their organization being chosen by Christ was focused directly at the head editorial writers.

    When you think about it it makes all the sense since the organization is trying to commercialize its products toward the public.

    Of course the truthful reality is the WTS. adulterated, manipulated and exploited the bible to support the proliferation of the

    organization's published works, creating their own false teachings, just as likewise they pointed their finger at Christendom.

    If you think of a structured pyramid of power, that starts at the top with the GB (who now self proclaim that they are the FDSL)

    right down to the congregational elders who have less, the GB have proportionately more of god's holy spirit than anyone else in the


  • truthlover

    Even tho these "Governing Body" members have been "sealed" WITH A "FIRST" SEALING, , they don't get approved until they die a loyal death. Then there is the second

    sealing, by that time -according to current lore, they are supposed to be in heaven. If you are a mediator, are you not one who speaks on behalf

    of someone as to their loyalties too? Like a lawyer? Bringing two sides together like the union and the workers? Isn't that the majority of

    mankind since Jesus gave his life for THE WORLD OF MANKIND! Didn't Jesus say, "if you have faith and call on my name" ?? You can see today how

    difficult this will become as laws and governments crack down on religion more and more - so they ( 144,000) will have their work cut out for

    them if indeed this is a literal number as opposed to the great crowd as the sands of the sea. There are a lot of good people out there and Jesus is the judge of all.

    I have trouble with their interpretation of the New Covenant format as per the society.

  • Pterist

    Some religious groups start of with the right motivation but can get corrupt and evolve into a controlling cult, denying the ransom for all by the mediatorship of Christ is the proof of their corruption.

    2 Peter 2:1 describes it like this -

    But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them--bringing swift destruction on themselves.

  • Pterist

    Their false reasoning is that the Christ is a composite of 144,000 and 1.....

    And as Freddy Franz, says "Jesus is not the mediator for every Tom, Dick and Harry" .....go figure !

    Well, , I beg to differ, He can be the mediator of every Tome Dick Harry and Mary if we accept him, come Lord Jesus come !


    Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

  • Finkelstein


    And as I mentioned before since this religious organization is structured around a publishing house,

    corruption was bound to happen in its expressed doctrines.

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