by ÁrbolesdeArabia 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sosoconfused

    The question of I have is this and I would like someone who to answer this if at all possible.

    I have always been under the imp[ression that the reason Christians pray in Jesus name is because he is our mediator.

    SO if he s not our mediator why would we pray in his name? I could be very wrong but that was my understanding

  • wannabefree

    sosoconfused ....

    Crisis of Conscience - page 284 4th edition

    In Africa, the next-to-the-last country I visited was Mali. Most of
    the missionaries there were French nationals. After working my way
    through a presentation in French of some points I was covering with
    missionaries in each country, I asked if they had any questions. The
    second question presented was, "The Watchtower says that Jesus is
    the mediator only for the anointed, not for the rest of us. Can you clear
    this up for us? Not even in prayer is he our mediator?"
    If it had been my interest to sow doubts, this would have been an
    obvious opportunity. Instead I tried to calm them, pointing to the
    First Letter of John, chapter two, verse 1, which speaks of Jesus
    as the "Helper" of those for whom he is a "propitiatory sacrifice
    for sins," including those of "the whole world." I said that even if they were
    not to think of Jesus as their Mediator, they could surely think of him as their Helper
    And, that of one thing they could be sure: that his interest in them was as great as
    his interest in any other persons on earth.
    I felt that I had managed to keep the matter from becoming a serious
    issue with them, and I had said nothing that in any way placed in
    question the Watchtower's statements.
    However, a few days later, on going to the airport to depart for Senegal,
    the missionaries came out to see me off. One of the women missionaries
    approached and asked me, "But not even in prayer is Jesus our mediator?"
    I could do nothing but repeat and reemphasize basically the same
    points I had presented earlier in their missionary home meeting.
  • Rattigan350

    Villagegirl, there are many numbers in revelation that are not symbolic and are literal.

    Rev 1:4 says 7 congregation. There are 7 congregations listed. count them.

    Rev 1:16 John sees 7 stars in Jesus' right hand. in vs 20 we are told "The seven stars mean [the] angels of the seven congregations, and the seven lampstands mean seven congregations."

    15:7 four living creatures gave the seven angels seven golden bowls

    There were 4 and 7 and 7. Literally of those things.

    And the number 144,000 is literal as John wrote "I heard the number of those who were sealed, a hundred and forty-four thousand".

    7 seals,


  • sosoconfused

    @ wannabefree - I appreciate your research and answer to this question... for a second I thought that I was some kind of an idiot. I was an elder for years and honestly just thought to myself this is some serious crap. WHy did I not knopw this? Atleast now I know I was not the only idiot who is not aware.

    What infuriates me (not the person just the idea) is that some easily blow off the fact that not everyone needs a mediator so why are we belly-aching?

    THis is some serious stuff to pepole just waking up and realizing that they are in the middle of what appears to be one giant circle jerk and there is still no real answer to what bothers them... :'(

  • Rattigan350
    sosoconfused :"I have always been under the imp[ression that the reason Christians pray in Jesus name is because he is our mediator."

    Praying is a function of priests, not mediator. Prayers are likened to incense rising to God.

    That is why we pray in Jesus' name. Because of his sacrifice he allows imperfect humans to be heard by his father Jehovah. I always liken it to humans praying sending the prayers to a satelite and that satelite descrambling the imperfect messages to Jehovah.

    The new covenant is something that is totally unecessary and salvation and forgiveness can occur without it.

  • Wholly

    I wish I were allowed to post the video

    The Gospel Message of Salvation - Plain, Simple and Biblical

    but since I'm not, here is a link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rP5EuPFEwh0

    1 John 5:11-12

    John 14:6

    Acts 4:12

    Romans 10:9-10

    Romans 10:13

    1 John 5:13

    I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life

  • mP

    I have news for you, there is no jesus mediator in the Bible. Try and find a single quote that actually says half those words.

  • KiddingMe


  • prologos

    The new covenant mediated by Jesus covers all Christians, not just the 144 ooo sealed ones that COME OUT OF the twelve tribes.

    analog to the Law covenant mediated by Moses that included ALL Israelites not just the Priests, Kings.

    Wt accounts for money better than lefing through the concordance.

    Reason: creating an aura of specialty, control.

  • ablebodiedman

    From the NWT:

    John 6:48-51

    "I am the bread of life. 49 YOUR forefathers ate the manna in the wilderness and yet died. 50 This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that anyone may eat of it and not die. 51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread he will live forever; and, for a fact, the bread that I shall give is my flesh in behalf of the life of the world."


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