I'm also speaking biblically here. If God is not bound by the natural laws of space and time, then it resonable to conclude that God KNOWS what will happen before it happens. He also knows what has happened just as he knows what will happen.
The Bible doesn't say that God is not bound by natural laws of space and time. And, even if he wasn't, it's quite the leap to suggest that Christians have figured out the effects of not being bound by space and time. Perhaps it simply means he is unble to exist in the form you describe.
Imagine being on the ground and looking at what was around you. Your perspective is limited and does not have the perspective of, say a helicopter.
Bad example. The helicopter ALSO doesn't have my perspective, we are both limited.
God's omniscience allows Him to view the past as if it is the present and the future as if it is the present. But that viewing or perspective in no way takes away our freedom of action.
If there is always a 0% chance that we will choose to do something besides what God as foreseen, then yes, it does.
The Bible constantly talks about our own free will just as it talks about God's nature of being all knowing. Jesus said at John 8:24: "I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am he you will die in your sins.”"
Out of context in relation to this discussion. That scripture is saying something completely different what what you are and they are not related in any way.