1975 - A weak argument?

by Christ Alone 89 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • vangogh

    Leavingwt, that is the very article in the 22nd/may/1969 that i would point anybody who doubted the society's 1975 prophecy. I gave up my further education along with many others on the basis of that article, how could I not believe it to be true?, It was spiritual food coming from God through his appointed channel on earth. We were continualy told from the platforms of kingdom halls and conventions that the society publications were spiritual food from god. Also when you read the article you will see that what the article says seams to be all backed up by scripture, how could anybody back then not believe. When 1975 came and went with nothing happening, we were then told that it was us who had all taken it the wrong way, that it was our faults. Please anybody and everybody read that article 'What Future for the Young' in May 22nd 1969 Awake. Dont try find it on the Watchtower web site though , oh no sir. that particular piece of 'God's spiritual food' has been deemed by mere men not fit for us to see. I truely wonder what Jesus will be thinking about these men who said such things and not just any men, men who said that Jesus chose them because they were the only true hearted men suitable to be Jesus's channel on earth. Would truely hearted men allow such misleading articles and the personal damage that was done to people and their lives because of them being published world wide? No!! These articles were published with the full knowledge of the governing body at the time, they knew exactly what they were doing. Anybody who has any doubts please read that awake article of may 22nd 1969!

  • Finkelstein

    The obvious point to note is that the calculation of 6000 years was a fraudulent lie, plain and simple.

    Just as it was when the WTS. first tried it, 80 some years before.

    In Franz's speech he even went to note that it had been 60 plus years since the ones who witnessed the events in 1914.

    So we must be getting close.

    After all the conniving BSing the guy does, he then finishes his hour long speech by saying lets not be seen as false prophets ...right.

    Its worth a listen click on the stream file http://archive.org/details/WhatIsTheSignficanceOf1975

  • prologos

    for what its worth, the 75 thing in 68-9 made jws make life-altering decisions. in our small bookstudy, in a well to do area, one brother gave up a huge service business to build a house at the end of the world and "pioneer" with all the comfort money could buy, his neighbour there, another 75-bitten jw, had moved too --as close you can get to the artic circle on a road--, was an IBM technichian "THIMK" that finagled a way to work via phone to be where (the need is great)*. We took 75 serious too, figured, in those in those six years left, we could move, and with cash build (rather than rent) a modest home in our original special pioneer territory assignment, and beat the Isaiah 65 prophecy arrival by 6 years. that way we got dragged into the real estate presence kicking and screaming. It was really unreal how rational beeings would all be focused on a sham that way. Knowing our sincerity even wealthy people that employed witnesses asked serious questions. nobody belittled us. It was the third time in my life that I was in the midth of mass / mob hysteria. never again.

    *whos' need?

  • Heartofaboy

    I know JW's that listened to & read the very same BS coming out of Brooklyn as I did leading up to 1975.........& now those very same people deny point blank it ever happened.

    I knew of a highly intelligent professional man.........From what he heard coming out of Brooklyn he decided to give up his career in 1970. He cashed in his pension, he sold his beautiful home to 'pioneer in the remaining months' before Armageddon. He really believed what the GB were saying. He had such faith.

    Now he is viewed as being rather silly by current JW's.

    He & his wife ended up in a tiny housing association house on very little money. Cancer caused him to die an agonizing death several years ago.

    His wife wishes she was dead.

    Does Brooklyn care?

    Like hell they do.

  • Finkelstein

    As I mentioned previously the WTS. fraudulently came up with this 6000 year calculation a few times before the 1975 dating.

    Here's a few examples, all of these times are taken directly from the WTS's own literature.

    Bullshit and fear, two commodities the WTS. exploited to their fullest potential.

    Studies in the Scriptures Vol. 2, 1906

    Six Thousand years from the creation of Adam were complete in A.D. 1872, and hence that since A.D. 1872, we chronologically entered upon the seventh thousand or the Millenium.

      Daily Heavenly Manna, inside cover page

      [6000 years from Adam ended in A.D. 1872]

        The Time Is at Hand, page ii, (forward) 1916

        The Bible chronology herein presented shows that the six great 1000 year days beginning with Adam are ended, and that the great 7th Day, the 1000 years of Christ's Reign, began in 1873.

          The Time is at Hand, Page 33

          [6000 years of human history ended in 1873]

            The Truth Shall Make You Free, Page 152, 1943 edition

            [6000 years of human history ended in 1972]

              Awake! October 8 1968 pp. 14-15

              6,000 Years Nearing Completion... The fact that fifty-four years of the period called the 'last days' have already gone by is highly significant. It means that only a few years, at most, remain before the corrupt system of things dominating the earth is destroyed by God. Today, many years later, we may ask, What does the phrase 'the immediate future' mean? How many years are 'a few years at most'? .. According to reliable Bible chronology, Adam and Eve were created in 4026 B.C.E.. There is another way that helps confirm the fact that we are living in the final few years of this 'time of the end.' (Dan. 12:9) The Bible shows that we are nearing the end of a full 6,000 years of human history. What significance does this have? When God gave his laws to ancient Israel, one of those laws involved keeping the sabbath day holy. On the seventh day of the week there was to be no labor. The people were to rest from all their toil. (Ex 20:8-11) The Bible states that 'the Law has a shadow of the good things to come.' - Heb. 10:1. Revelation chapter 20, verse 6, shows that God's heavenly kingdom will rule over the earth for one thousand years after the end of this system of things. That millennium will bring a sabbath-like rest to the earth and all those then inhabiting it. Hence, the first six thousand years since man's creation could be likened to the first six days of the week in ancient Israel. The seventh one-thousand-year period could be likened to the seventh day, the sabbath, of that week. - 2 Pet. 3:8. How fitting it would be for God, following this pattern, to end man's misery after six thousand years of human rule and follow it with His glorious Kingdom rule for a thousand years! … only seven more years from the autumn of 1968 to complete 6,000 full years of human history. That seven-year period will evidently finish in the autumn of the year 1975… Concerning political instability, former U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson said in 1960: 'I know enough of what is going on to assure you that, in 15 years from today (or, by 1975), this world is going to be too dangerous to live in.' .. [Chart] 1975 C.E. END OF 6,000 YEARS .. In the book Famine - 1975! food experts W. and P. Paddock state: .. 'I forecast a specific date, 1975, when the new crisis will be upon us in all its awesome importance.'

            • karter

              I was around pre 75 and the WTS all but said the end would be here in 75.

              At an international connvention in late 73 a member of the GB said "This is quite likely the last assembly this side of armaggeden"

              Notice he used "Quite likely" and easy out there.

              There were talks,Assembly parts ect all but saying the end would be here in 75 but all loaded with frasers that could get them off the hook if need be.

              Anyone that didn't buy into the whole 75 thing was to be considered week at best.

              Then along came 1976!!!

              People leaving in their drovers publisher numbers going down for the 1st time.

              Nathan.H.Nour went on a world wide speaking campain to drum up the masses.

              In his talk he said "In the highly unlikley event we see the year 2000"

              More loaded words "Highly unlikley" another out there.

              Alot of the Elders,C.O's,D.O's around now were not even around pre 75 and all tow the party line that it wasent the WTS fault we all read to much into it.

            • prologos

              my memory is fading, but if I remember right, about 75-76 there was this huge diversion maneuver to scrap the appointed "servant" congregation arrangement and have the local heavies haggle over the appointing of elders and their rotation. Prestige, status trumps false prophecy concerns.

              any direct talking about the 1975 failure in January 76, would have been honest, but amount to an admitting of WTBSinc beeing the source of the debacle.

            • pontoon

              Scrapping the local servant (appointed by congregation vote) was in '71 and it happened because of research that Ray did.

            • prologos

              pontoon, thank you for setting that straight, but it took the edge of the 75 turmoil as I remember it. what amazed me that an (later dfd) "apostate" told us this was about to happen, I always wondered why HE had that foreknowledge, may be there was an underground news network among thinkers back then too.

            • Black Sheep
              Black Sheep
              I suppose I don't like to have to back peddle during an argument. I don't want to talk about how they falsely prophesied the end in 1975 and then have a JW say that they never said that, have to acknowledge that, and then try to show that they DID in effect make everyone believe it.

              Don't get into 'arguments' with Dubs.

              1975 is a good one to use on Dubbies who remember the era, especially if you know the same COs that they knew, but don't bring it up as something to be argued, bring it up as testimony. They remember the CO spouting 'Only 42 months to go Brothers and Sisters, and we all know what that means!", or whatever phrase their CO used to use.

              If they deny it, quote verbatum the May 1974 OKM and ask them how many of those brothers are still pioneering on the proceeds from the sales of their homes? Was this OKM from the FDS? Was it light/praise from Jehovah? etc.??... one question at a time and not letting them evade your questions. You want an explanation for the May 1974 OKM and you are going to STFU except to make them do their duty, or feel guilty for any BS, character assassination, distraction, or any other devious tactic that you have heard them use to denigrate any other religionist.

              Dubs who didn't live through it, don't get the shock of realising they have been busted trying to deceive you about something they really did know the truth about, (but had been spending the past 37 years trying to pretend hadn't happened). I still hit them with that OKM though. Any Dub who wants to pretend to be a Superdub has a WTLib.

              Don't ever expect to get the result you would like today.

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