Fakesmile: I would love to take that route with her - but she would taken my gondads off in a blink of an eye right now.
Need Some Tough Love & Help
by Simon Morley 100 Replies latest jw friends
I don't think that kind of tit for tat is healthly or helpful. I know she's hurt but dragging your daughter into it if she's as sensitive as you say isn't going to help the trust issue between you and your wife. It just seems a tad spiteful to me.
trust? BS. do what you do and dont apollagize. do you feel guilty for farting?
" I really need to win her trust back - long and hard road I know - but what works to do that? let the dust settle? she feels horribly betrayed."
Promise to never do it again and then keep your word.
Wow. She feels like adultery would be EASIER to deal with?? O_o
and if you fancy the other gender, than you have to accept yourself. no apollogies. you are guilty of nothing.
Well he says he wants to keep her and the marriage. Kiss the porn bye-bye.
Simon Morley
Avoiding is going to have to be route. Any ideas what worked for those who had an uphill battle with their wife?
mrs. j is right. you have a harpie who thinks you are disgusting for playing the skin flute. it is a choice between that or what sounds like an unhealthy relATIONSHIP. you must decide.
sorry for that ultimatim