fakesmile: you are completely ignorant. The fact that someone turns to porn has got nothing to do with someone has sex or not. It is not an issue of not getting sex...Masturbation can be done without porn...however porn is something that turns some people on.....im not one to comment on how it makes Simon feel...only he can say that....
and to support refuting your ignorant and offensive comment is I never denied my ex partner....in fact he would ALWAYS deny me....I went into that relationship with what I thought was a healthy sex drive,...i would have been happy with sex at least once per day,...some days probably twice....however over time he abused me in every way emotionally, psychologically, financially, sexually, physically.....as per the experts it was "extreme" domestic violence...so with due respect you are not coming from a position of strength.......
some people are just turned on by porn....im not saying its abnormal thats not for me to say....some women like porn and like to watch it with their partner.....as i said it needs to be in a consentual relationship so that no one gets hurt