Eunuchs were not gay men. they were boys who were castrated before puberty, therefore, supposedly, sexually nuetralized. They were considered safe to be personal servants for the royal wives.
Do not lie with a male as with a female - What does the bible REALLY teach?
by irondork 59 Replies latest members adult
But there is mention of boys or men born eunuchs in the bible, which by all accounts sounds very much like born gay men.
either way they would take them born or otherwise I suppose.
All mentions of homosexuality being condemned are in Leviticus--a book for only the priestly class. The account of Lot/Sodom & Gomorrah is not about homosexuality. It's about hospitality. And in the new testiment, Paul's "men kept for unnatural purposes" refered specifically to the Greco Roman practice of having a catamite (a younger male paired with a noble adult male).
Jesus spoke nothing against homosexuality. And obviously, YHWH looked the other way during Jesse and David's little bromance.
Is this one covered:
A man lying down with a lion the same way he would lie down with a bird he caught between his toes.
Yahwey seems to be always tweaking in his creations instinctual behaivors. He's like trying to make patern corrections in behaivor with the brute force of killing, maybe he's wise to genetics and so figures if you kill the ones whos behavor deviates you stop thier DNA from spreading.
Cold Steel
It's too common in our day, though it was prophesied, to say that something that seems to be obvious on its face means something entirely different. Homosexuality can’t be evil, so maybe it’s the idolatry that the Lord is talking about! Yeah, that’s the ticket...and those idolatrous people burned their infants, so that means it’s even more likely he wasn’t talking about what He was talking about! Why...homosexuality is no different than eating shellfish or ham! Yeah!
When the Lord returns, He said it will be as it was in the days of Noah...evil enough to be wiped out.
The Northern Colorado Gazette reported in 2011 that once homosexuals were considered a mental disorder by American Psychiatric Association. In 1973, the APA declassified it. Now a group of psychiatrists are proposing a new definition of pedophilia in the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders.
Using the same tactics used by “gay” rights activists, pedophiles have begun to seek similar status, arguing their sexual desire for children is an orientation no different than heterosexual or homosexuals.
The Gazette goes on to report:
Critics of the homosexual lifestyle have long claimed that once it became acceptable to identify homosexuality as simply an “alternative lifestyle” or sexual orientation, logically nothing would be off limits. “Gay” advocates have taken offense at such a position insisting this would never happen. However, psychiatrists are now beginning to advocate redefining pedophilia in the same way homosexuality was redefined several years ago.
No one says one has to act on their sexual desires and appetites, and homosexuality carries with it considerably more aberrant and promiscuous behaviors than heterosexuality, many which are unquestionably demonstrative of the mental and emotional deviancy we see in San Francisco’s “gay” parades’ debauchery. These involve wildly effeminate behaviors, the abuse and torture of small animals, holes cut in bathroom stalls, one-night stands, and other abnormalities. One emergency room doctor I spoke to years ago told me that he’s removed from men’s anal cavities virtually anything that would fit between their cheeks.
Forgive me if I view this as a deviant mental disorder. Can homosexuals be changed? I really don’t know. Can pedophile behavior? I don’t know. Based on statistical recidivism, it seems doubtful.
My view is that if you’re gay, and want to live that way, go for it! It’s a horrible thing to have to fight and I’m not your judge. I have enough of my own problems as a sinful mortal that I can’t point the finger at anyone. But that said, don’t seek solace from the scriptures. You’re only deceiving yourselves.
I was asked by an elder " had I ever wondered why Lesbians are not referred to the in the Bible?" I had wondered.
"we’d have to ask ourselves why female-female sex was not also condemned. "
He said it was b/c sex has not taken place unless a penis is involved, at least per the Bible. Also, he pointed out that women were not considered equal to man as they weregiven to man for his use. They were above animals, but there sexual behavior is not really mentioned in the Bible unless it relates to fornication, rape or adultery. Per him women cannot be homosexual or gay , that is exclusive to males. Of course women did have sexual contact in bible times but b/c a Penis was not involved it could not be considered SEX.
So it looks like per his interpretation women are free to engage in same sex behavior as long as they don't' commit fornication, adultery or not scream if raped. Really, after I further questioned him, it is a belief that women are just slightly above animals and really have no morals and must be watched at all times least they lure pure men into adultery and fornication. Even now most people have a great deal more tolerance for female on female sex. It is very popular in porn. Even men who would condemn gay guys are often OK with watching female on female porn. It does not seem to elicit the same disgust level that male homosexuality does.
This elder btw was in an married , technically bisexual but even that was a cover. He was Gay . He hobbed robbed with the upperechelon of jws, and the famous among jws. He kept his position as elder and was never caught.
He got away with it all , died in excellent standing and was well thought of . -
J. Hofer
funny how people try to align what the bible says with their own beliefs.
it's really simple - and context (not only textual context, but historical context) doesn't leave room for interpretation: (bible)god hates fags. the westboros are damn right about that one.
but why would you give a damn? drop that book, why would you let hebrew mythology control your life? if you feel the need to be controlled by mythology, there's some better options out there.
It’s impossible to separate the Bible from the religions that have used and abused it for thousands of years. Verses from the Bible have always been used by the privileged classes and the Establishment to exclude others from society and deny them their rights. As a result, our reading of the Bible is ‘warped’, as some verses are seen as law and others are glossed over, or unknown. But really, no-one does what Jesus said to do- so all Christians are hypocrites in some way.
For myself, I think the Bible is worthless- just a collection of ancient writing- but even if you do respect the Bible, only the most naïve would put any weight on an individual scripture; there are too many internal inconsistencies in it to do that. -
i hate when people claim that god hated fags, im sorry but people who say gods hates gays like westboro have no clue what the bible teaches! the bible says god loved us when were yet sinners ,christ died for us because we were sinners , he did not say im only going to die for perfect ppl , at 1corn 6:11 former gay ppl where changed, so yes they can it says thats what some of you were, past tense. but if you want to make your own evil god and say he hates ppl and not the sin of the ppl,and reject god based on your own making of god, thats on you. but its a huge mistake.god loved of first,homosexuality is the mention along with fornication,drunkiness etc.. its all sin and with gods spirit many have put thises things to death.
@ kjw53: I'll address the 1 Corinthians 6 passage after the Romans 1 passage.
@ unstopableravens: Stay tuned. 1 Corinthians does not say that gay people were changed. I know that's how it's widely interpreted and is one of the cornerstone scriptures for these ex-gay ministry frauds. I'm going to post the notes on Romans 1 first. Then I get to Corinthians 6
... and then, I think, eunuchs.