Unstop - Why the f*ck does your god create people with desires he doesn't want them to act on? As I have said before what a cruel bastard.....
Do not lie with a male as with a female - What does the bible REALLY teach?
by irondork 59 Replies latest members adult
i dont think its a matter of why god creates us with desires and than says dont act on them, me personally i believe we all have desires we are born with ,some different than others (james 1:13-16) . the bible talks about the works of the flesh(gal 5 :16-23) as opposite of the spirit ,our natural flesh wants all types of sin, so gay or stariaght we all have to fight off desires, and when a person is a child of god, born of him than gods spirit dwells in you so you cant practice sin,(1john 3;9,10) we will sin but not practice it.thats my honset answer buddy
Interesting scripture, seems the ancient Hebrews saw something that was wrong in other civilizations ( sexual promiscuous )
among adults.
Perhaps they saw what could come out from being sexual promiscuous, such as a man finding his wife having sex with another man,
which incurred acts of violence and jealousy. Maybe they became aware of people who were promiscuous to occur health problems,
sexual transmitted diseases as such ?
I guess one can say that the ancient Hebrews weren't totally without good social morals within its civilization .
1 Thessalonians 4:3-8
New International Version (NIV)
3 It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; 4 that each of you should learn to control your own body [a] in a way that is holy and honorable, 5 not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God; 6 and that in this matter no one should wrong or take advantage of a brother or sister. [b] The Lord will punish all those who commit such sins, as we told you and warned you before. 7 For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. 8 Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit.
it's really simple - and context (not only textual context, but historical context) doesn't leave room for interpretation: (bible)god hates fags. the westboros are damn right about that one.
but why would you give a damn? drop that book, why would you let hebrew mythology control your life? if you feel the need to be controlled by mythology, there's some better options out there.
yup, J.Hofer hit it exactly.
If YOU like homosexuals, then face the fact that the God of the bible hates them. You CANNOT rationalize this any other way. People trying to twist the bible to make homosexuality a non-sinful act is the epitome of making the bible say anything you want it to say to support anything you need it to.
god hates the sin not the person , if god hated homosexuals themselves because of there sins than he would hate everyone because we all sin. i think the twisting is being done by the ones who deny its inspiaration
You CANNOT rationalize this any other way.
Yes you can upon realizing that the ancient Hebrews were ignorant about homosexuality as a human social behavior
as they were ignorant about many other things as well.
Let it be acknowledged that other ancient civilizations also perceived homosexuality as something detestable and wrong.
Take the writings and teachings of Muhammad for example.
J. Hofer
Take the writings and teachings of Muhammad for example.
indeed. and yet there's some liberal muslims that say something about the quran not condemning homosexuals. guess what: they're wrong. same as all those bible twisters. if the bible doesn't fit your ethics, stop trying to twist it in your favor. why would you want to live by the laws of some bronze age or pre-medieval nomads anyway?
The remaining question reveals itself, in if a male is genetically positioned to be attracted to only other males, should that
really be perceived to be a sin in the first place ?
If that is so then wouldn't that make all other genetic birth abnormalities be also a sin ?
If it is recognized and acknowledged that there are many diverse genetic abnormalities that can occur in human reproduction,
why is so unconceivable that genetic sexual abnormalities might also occur ?
read john 9 to get your answer to that!
J. Hofer
the epitome of making the bible say anything you want it to say to support anything you need it to.
exactly. same thing with women rights, slavery, death penalty for random "sins", human sacrifices etc.