iron: in the context look at fornication , between a man and woman a person who no longer does that is still going to find other women attrative but he would not dwell or act on that. so a person who is gay, is changed in the sense they no longer dwell or act on it. and yes i believe they also can in some cases be so radically changed that those desires are in a sense dead. not functioning.
Do not lie with a male as with a female - What does the bible REALLY teach?
by irondork 59 Replies latest members adult
For a surprising, detailed, liberal and progressive scriptural perspective:
If the bible really says that gay men were changed, then its ignorance is even deeper than I thought. I alsways assumed it meant that they stopped practicing their homosexuality and became celibate!
cant leave read what i just wrote! yes thats part of it, when a person is born again they no longer practice sin 1john 5:18
2 corn 5:`17
Dudes shouldn't bullshit other dudes, just chicks... bros before hos.
Oh, wait, "lie with"...
cantleave - " I always assumed it meant that they... became celibate!"
Gosh, there's an appealing prospect....
This is what I find horrible about these religions. The Talmud, the Noahide Law, the LIE-ble (both testaments), Book of Mor[m]ons, and Quran all bash gay sex. They make accusations of "anti-Semite"--when we should be making accusations against them as being homophobic. Christi-SCAM-ity and Islam are just as bad regarding homophobia and misogynism. They make women look like scum, while condoning torture and slavery. And so what if people do these other things? Masturbation should be no one else's business, and if people didn't make such a big deal of it, it wouldn't be such a horrible thing in public either.
And so what about "golden showers"? Again, if people didn't make such a big deal about these things, it would be no worse than contacting other fluids. Such as when you wash dishes. Do people get excessively grossed out from doing that? I used to wash dishes, and I never got so dirty beyond what a good old fashioned soap and water handwashing wouldn't clean up. Not to mention, I used to have to put away clean dishes after handling dirty ones, and soap and water was plenty good enough. I think people should get past these "anti-Semite" phobias and get at the root of all these sex phobias, wherever it is (and no matter how difficult it it to accept it) and destroy it. Otherwise, homophobia and misogynism (and torture, and slavery, and suppression of science in so many areas) will persist as we enter mass human enslavement Agenda 21+ style.
I think it's been proven enough times, using the original Hebrew/Greek translations and the actual situation in which those passages were written, that homosexuality is not condemned in the bible.
If it is condemned, why would God create me with homosexual desires? This isn't an acquired thing like many think, but people are born that way, and there are many studies that confirm this. For as long add I can remember, females have never excited me sexually, so I find it horribly unjust to punish people for something out of their control.
some people are born with different desires , but what we dwell on is what matters and how we act. acting on homosexual desires is wrong, i think a paerson who is gay and really want to worship god according to the bible has alot of hard work ahead and really needs to rely on god to not act on there own desires,and i will this again is no different than fornication. we all desires ,but if i would dwell on my desires change are higher i would cheat on my wifey. that being said i hate when ppl say god hates gays because thats no true he hates the sin,same as fornication. its gods standards i dont make them i just believe them.