mrs jones i agree i never said other wise i said "practice" sin 1 john 5:18 i have said nany times i sin.
Do not lie with a male as with a female - What does the bible REALLY teach?
by irondork 59 Replies latest members adult
J. Hofer
jesus died for your sins anyway, so it would be a huge waste if you wouldn't practise sin. he would have died for nothing then.
" the point i was making is that when a person is born again gods spirit will not allow them to practice sin 1 john 3;9,10 and and for me personally my desire has changed i now hate porn which at one point i loved , so is the temptation there yes it is, so i believe god is powerful and strong, and i understand i was a hardcore jdub too ,my scars are deep so i understand."
Hm, ok. Me thinks you're a tad confused. But that's cool, I'm not a believer, remember?
sorry j hoper but thats not the case i dont want to sin, and when i do i repent, sin does not bring us closer to god.
mrs jones confused on what ?
sorry j hoper but thats not the case i don't want to sin, and when i do i repent, sin does not bring us closer to god.
But when you do repent it does ?? so then where is the impetus to not sin and take responsibility toward yourself and others ?
that sounds like a very dangerous relationship your creating or embracing for yourself and perhaps toward other people.
Many self professed devout Christians have been recognized and acknowledged as murders, rapists, pedophiles .... etc. etc.
If redemption from ones sins are preconceived to be fully redeemed and accounted for, where is the internal encouragement
and push to act responsibly and respectfully toward other human beings in that person's social interactions with
other people ?
Unstopable, if someone were to attempt to compare your heterosexual orientation to a porn temptation, or place your attraction to the opposite sex on par with a desire to commit fornication, as if they were one-in-the-same, then you might begin to understand how empty your reasoning on this subject sounds to me and others like me.
I understand that you believe homosexuality to be a sin. Okay, fine. But your belief does not constitute evidence and yet you present your position as an established fact.
How about addressing some of the evidence provided in the OP or my previous thread about Sodom and Gomorrah ( ), keeping in mind that I have yet to post the notes for Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 6.
ok i will let look over it,
Is the point of this thread to suggest there is reason to conclude the bible is not condeming homosexuality? Is that honestly the point?
This one made me laugh.
God was not condemning same-sex sexual activity in general, but the ancient idolatry that was taking place in the lands of Egypt and Canaan at the time, which involved male worshipers and the male temple priests, but not females.
Look guys. If you are gay, whatever. I certainly don't care and personal feeligns aside its irrelevant. I have a son, and while I do not think he is gay, if he was I would love him not a drop less. Beyond that it may get complicated, it may not. I have friends that are gay, others I think that are gay. Whatever.
The idea though that the bible may by abstention be cool with homosexuality between females, or condem homosexuality only related to pagan worship, is just plain ridiculous. More than that, if the bible doesn't mean anything to you specifically, why attempt to put a square peg in a round hole on this? Just live life! There is no credible arguement for the bible being cool with the act of homosexuality. None.
Cold Steel
It's really simple - and context (not only textual context, but historical context) doesn't leave room for interpretation: (bible) god hates fags. the westboros are damn right about that one.
God does not hate homosexuals, nor does He hate any of His children. But you're correct in saying the scriptures don't leave much room for interpretation. The scriptures also teach that in the latter days, men would become exceedingly wicked. As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man. In short, people will and are rationalizing away the word of God until it suits them. Isaiah wrote: " Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!"
Why...does your god create people with desires he doesn't want them to act on? As I have said before what a cruel bastard.....
Yes you can upon realizing that the ancient Hebrews were ignorant about homosexuality as a human social behavior as they were ignorant about many other things as well....
There are many things we don't know, but we do know that God is Just and Merciful. People are born with certain proclivities and defects, and frankly, I think some people are born good and some people are born not so good. Some young boys show great affection for cats and dogs while others torture and kill them. Some Christians, including myself, believe we existed as spirits before coming to the earth. It also was a popular belief among first century Christians. If this doctrine is true, some of us progressed further than others before coming here. Prophets like Jeremiah were told that they were called and chosen before they were born (Jeremiah 1:5), and the apostles asked Jesus who did sin, this man or his parents that he was born blind (John 9:2-3). So who knows what happened in that premortal life if, indeed, we had a premortal existence ? And if we didn't have a premortal life, what would be fair about people not being created equal. In other words, why would God create one person with a predisposition towards extreme violence and cruelty (like Uday Hussein) and another with a predisposition towards kindness and wisdom? That would be unfair.