Ephesians and Colossians are letters from Paul to the Christian congregations in the cities they lived in. Who else do you think Paul was talking toother than Christians? Apparently those Christians owned slaves since Paul addressed the subject.
God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites - What does the bible REALLY teach?
by irondork 116 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The real worry is that the Bible does not say anywhere NT or OT not to have slaves. As previously mentioned there are countless texts in the NT where Jesus, Paul etc are telling slaves to be obedient, but not once does it say slavery is evil. So much for moral superiority. This piss weak stance is the same proofs that slave owners in the American south used to justify their evil.
Read in Philemon, wehre Paul tells the slave to return to his Christian master. Why is Paul more concerned about a slave returning to his master's service than criticizing the master for habing any slaves ?
Great scriptures!
mrsjones i know that, i was asking if you jeffro believed that the masters were all christains,do you guys really think it means slaves like what we would think of like in the 1860s or could it be like we are slaves of christ,do you think it could be used like when we go to work we work for someone else, not that we are beatin with wipes and chained up?
Kudos actually goes to Jeffro.
Well Unstop, you said you believe all of the bible. Jeffro is trying to get a whether you believe in owning slaves since the bible does seem to condone the ownership of slaves. I see some sidestepping on your part.
mrsjones: nope no sidestepping, just getting the terms defined, because its true what we think of slavery is not what paul was saying in thoses verses,and i have to be careful what i say because it can quickly go from well you believe the bible so you are okay with slavery, than next someone will call me racist, thats how it goes around here sometimes,so is there a differance is the way me and you worsk for our bosses than the slave master relationship paul mentions
i was asking if you jeffro believed that the masters were all christains
Already answered by mrsjones5's post 22587 above.
do you guys really think it means slaves like what we would think of like in the 1860s
The slave owners in the 1860s were also predominantly Christian, and the 'scriptures' formed their basis for their belief that slavery is acceptable.
Nope, I was not even going there. I would have not have called you a racist. Thanks for the assumption but no. I'm simply taking you on your word that you believe all of the bible, nothing more. Still see some sidestepping whether you acknowledge it or not. That's the impression I'm coming away with.
mrsjones:just for clearification i did not say you would i said somebody, and jeffro just because the ones in the 1860 said they were christains,does not mean what paul meant by slave is the same as what happened in the past here in the usa.
Why are worried about this somebody person? We're not talking about what someone would assume about you. We're talking about whether you truly believe all of the bible like you say you do. But it seems that's not the case. You believe parts of the bible that suit you to believe. That's cool but it's not what you initially claimed.