This quote was just so annoying and unbelievable it stunk the pages right up. But doesn't ALL the WT rhetoric stink it up ? In the article titled, " Find Real Success in Life " on pg. 7 it states that living a life of " faithfulness " would bring blessings and approval and " we certainly can expect blessings in the future. " Then the quote that annoyed me, " Yes, we can be ABSOLUTELY SURE that a HUNDRED YEARS from now , even a THOUSAND YEARS or MORE from now , we WILL be able to look back and say, " I definitely chose the course of real success ! "
Uh-huh. Just like the JW's that were told that " millions now living will never die " in 1925 ? Just like the JW's that were told that in 1975 it would be the end of 6,000 years since Adams creation and the start of the alleged " new system " would begin with the alleged " paradise " ?
How arrogant , criminal, and just plain insane is it for WT leaders to promise these things to JW's when they CANNOT deliver these promises ? To make statements like " ABSOLUTELY SURE " or " HUNDRED YEARS " or " THOUSAND YEARS " from now is just pure deviousness on their part and even MORE sad for gullible, easily influenced people to believe these lies !
Millions now living that were alive in 1925 are now DEAD . That's a fact, the truth. And the fact or truth is that ALL WT leaders and those that say 100 or a 1,000 years from now that people will still be living then who are alive now- is an OUTRIGHT LIE. History proves me right.
In paragraph 17 on pg. 8 it states , " Jesus said, " He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " Would you not agree that being saved is an UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE of success ? " Uh, yeah, if it was true. But it's a lie. Everybody dies . That's a fact. More accurately is believing that a person gets " saved " or " lives forever " is an UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE of being duped, deceived , and scammed by an organization bent on selling false hopes to have control over JW's lives, money, and minds.
O.K. Now I'll exhale. Would love to hear your takes on this. Hope you are all doin' well