They used one of their favorite weasel words on page 28, that JWs have a prospect of being in paradise.
17 Can you imagine what the ful?ll-
ment of that will mean for you person-
ally? Man-made national boundaries,
which today in some sense mark every
human as a foreigner, will no longer ex-
ist. Any possible di?erences in appear-
ance or any remaining normal physical
characteristics will simply illustrate the
marvelous variety found in God’s cre-
ation. Such a thrilling prospect should
motivate all of us to continue praising
and honoring our Creator, Jehovah God,
as best we can.
They also took an opportunity to put a positive spin on their downsizing, saying it is a sign that Jesus is ruling now and breaking down barriers.
18 Is it unrealistic to believe that such
a global change can happen? No, it real-
ly is not. On the contrary, it is totally
reasonable to believe that it will happen.
The very concept of “foreigner” has al-
ready lost much of its meaning among
Jehovah’s Witnesses, who pay little at-
tention to the nationality of those in
their midst. Recently, for example, sev-
eral of their smaller branch o?ces were
merged to simplify the work of over-
sight and to improve e?ciency in ac-
complishing the preaching of the good
news of the Kingdom. (Matt. 24:14) As
far as legal requirements permitted, na-
tional barriers were ignored when such
consolidations were made. That is yet
another visible proof that Jesus Christ as
Jehovah’s rightfully enthroned Ruler is
breaking down human barriers, and he
is the one who will soon “complete his
conquest”!—Rev. 6:2.