And marking...
by flipper 48 Replies latest jw friends
And marking...
Was out of town for several days, sorry for my delay in bumping it up ! Hope you all had a great X-mas !
WHA HAPPENED ? - Good point, the Devil allegedly told Eve and Adam they wouldn't die, WT says the same thing to JW's. I guess WT leaders are the Devil ? They sure act like it. I've had Witnesses I knew try to pull that " don't you want to live forever ? " guilt trip on me too. I just tell them I'm fine and we'll see if there ever IS a forever.
LONG HAIR GAL- It indeed does make me angry like it does you too that the WT Society gets away with giving out these false promises to Witnesses and they'll just keep passing the lies on from generation after generation of Witnesses. No accountability whatsoever. The WT leaders DO try to distort time to Witnesses by telling them to live in the future, not the here and now. It truly is tragic that successive generations of new JW's keep getting sucked into this scam. Happy holidays to you too ! Thanks, hope all is well with you .
O.K. Dinner calls, going to eat dinner with my wife and I'll take up where I left off a little later
Flip - Your opening statement was perfection. Don't think I have ever heard it put more clearly.
I had aunts, uncles, Grandparents who all spent their entire lives hanging on to those promises. They grew old and died. A couple of them had dementia in their old age. Lucky, in a way.
I still have an aunt and uncle living who are waiting. My Uncle was there in '35 when the "Jonadab' class of other sheep were distinguished from those of the annointed who could look forward to being transformed "in the twinkling of the eye" into eternal spirit creatues. My familiy were all "Jonadabs" and they suffered prison (draft) no education, blood issue crises, etc. for their whole lives.
Promises of what happens after death is the bedrock con-game of most all religions.
The JWs really want to hear this garbaaage- they need this regular promises from the GB that all will work out and they will be happy JWs on a paradise earth ( and cheat death, too!), if they only stay the course and keep obeying the WT rules- How it all happens is never explained-- hope, baby, will make it happen!
There's really not much difference now between the Governing Body and the Pope--
JEFFRO- The WT Society leaders are arrogant and insane, yes indeed. And I add " criminal " into my descriptions based on instructions they give elders to NOT report child abuse , the approving of JW's not taking blood transfusions, and how WT leaders extort money millions of $$$ from JW donations based on an illusionary promise that WT leaders know is a fake. So I feel the " criminal " label fits quite nicely, not too far off at all.
00DAD- WT leaders ARE getting more deceptive and manipulative. I'd love to bring them down yesterday. Give me a fake identity and I'd go undercover with you in a heartbeat 00DAD to expose it from the inside to the outside world.
KURTBETHEL- They used the word prospect and the strange view of the word foreigner , it's just ridiculous how WT leaders CONSTANTLY manipulate the use of the English language to serve their own goals- even if it's by creating new definitions of words - definitions that don't exist. Crazy.
PROLOGOS- " No human has ever lived and not died. " You've got that right. It's amazing JW's don't see that. Totally mind controlled by WT leaders.
HEAVEN- I agree, carrots and sticks don't work in guilting people. Guilt never worked on me either when I used to attend years ago. I could see through the scam.
WASBLIND- Good point in that success only comes to those who DON'T wait. Very true. WT leaders want JW's to ONLY live for the pretend future and forget about living in the here and now. That way the WT Society will keep controlling Witnesses minds and stagnate their thought processing so that the ONLY thing JW's think about is the future , minimizing the importance of living now day to day. It's pretty tricky of WT leaders and they are good at being deceiving cult leaders trapping JW's.
DACHEECH- Very true. JW's try to capture prospective members when they are in an emotionally vulnerable state such as death, divorce, etc. so that a person really isn't in their right mind when they join. They are usually under duress in circumstances in their lives and they don't pay close enough attention to their decision making. Once they;ve joined the JW's, it's too late, they're trapped and if they stay in it and do not escape- their brains get fried. Real tragedy.
ON THE WAY OUT- It is amazing isn't it ? I think if left to their own devices WT leaders would just keep using this " time of the end " or " last days " thing as a marketing tool way past 2112. They'd take it into multiple future centuries- if it kept working ! You said you see a change in your mother as to accepting she'll grow old in this system- my JW parents still keep thinking that " any day " now God will bring Armageddon and then " paradise ". I think they are in denial inside themselves, but they won't admit it. Being in their mid to late 80's makes it tough for them to admit they may have wasted the last 60 years of their lives on a dishonest cults false promises. So we'll see what happens. Peace out, mr. Flipper
LEAVING QUIETLY- Interesting application of the scriptures there, as you mention none of them are alive today.
OUTLAW- Exactly, you hit the nail on the head. A successful JW is no better off than any non-JW because everybody dies and successfully enters the graveyard, some earlier than others.
FINKELSTEIN- Good point. The WT Society inculcates it's marketing program into each JW by telling them to NOT live for today but concentrate on the fictitious " paradise ". That way it gets JW's out of their own heads so they will not use critical thinking ability.
On THE WAY OUT- Good point. They'll keep using that 100 year reasoning thing for centuries if they could.
DATA-DOG- Yeah, I know, it's incredible that JW's keep saying " it will come in our lifetime, it will come in our lifetime " - when they've been lied to for 133 years from the WT Society. Amazing.
FINGERS CROSSED- EXactly ! If everyone dies, what are JW's being saved from ? Nothing ! LOL !
PERFECT 1- Liars lie, very true. WT Society has lied for years. So much so they get people believing in the lies.
ZIDDINA- Thanks for the bump !
GLANDER- Thanks, appreciate it. Like yourself I have long time JW relatives as well, my folks have been in it for over 60 years and they keep holding onto this false hope. It's all they got in their mid to late 80's. But it's sad they've wasted there life for a cold, unfeeling New York corporation who didn't give a horseshit about them.
MOSHE- I agree, a lot of the old timers really need to hear this stuff to feel like they have anything to believe in, hoping against hope. Indeed, the GB is very much like the pope ! A bunch of wack jobs
" Yes, we can be ABSOLUTELY SURE that a HUNDRED YEARS from now , even a THOUSAND YEARS or MORE from now , we WILL be able to look back and say, " I definitely chose the course of real success ! "
Nah. We won't. No one will. We'll be dead.
Even if the WBT$ was right, the generations would still be 'overlapping'(TM).
What a crock!!
Thanks for sharing Flipper. Here have a fish!
Personally, I can no longer read the WBT$ BS without projectile vomiting!
PUNK of NICE- Exactly. Like Jim Morrison of the rock group " The Doors " stated, " no one here gets out alive ". So true. We all are gonna die. So why not make the best of our life while we HAVE life ? Like not allowing ourselves to be mind controlled by a bunch of doofus's in a cult ? I agree that the WT Society articles are total controlling multiple " crocks of $hit " information trying to manipulate JW members. I'm glad we are free of that junk ! Peace out bro, Mr. Flipper. P.S. Thanks for the fish ! I love eatin' em !
BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I love what "wha happened" said on page 1...
"... "But the serpent said to the woman, ‘You will not die; ..."
[wha happened] "Still works today.."