WT Society Still Lies to JW's into Believing they Live Forever - 12/15 WT

by flipper 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    ( Maybe leave out that last sentence. )__________OnTheWayOut

    NO, keep it all, your on a roll

  • wasblind

    ( Maybe leave out that last sentence. )__________OnTheWayOut

    NO, keep it all, your on a roll

  • leaving_quietly

    Among verses avoided like the plague: John 6:40 and latter half of 6:44.

    Re: John 6:40, w78 9/1 25 really muddies the water:

    "Thus those particular ones coming to Jesus and exercising faith in him as the Messiah during this present system of things have the prospect of everlasting life. Why so? Because Jesus Christ will raise them up from the dead at the last day. This guarantees to them a resurrection. Here we should note that Jesus did not say, in this case under discussion, that a person must first have a resurrection and afterward come to him in faith and feed upon him in order to have everlasting life. Quite plainly Jesus is here not talking about those already dead in the memorial tombs like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses, David and John the Baptizer. Jesus was there talking to the then living Jews, including many disciples of his, who were in the Mosaic law covenant."

    a) the "prospect" word is used

    b) this scripture only applies "to the then living Jews"

    However, John 11:25,26 says" Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life; 26 and everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all. Do you believe this?”

    So, who does this apply to? By the same logic, it should be "to the then living Jews." None of those Jews living are still alive today.


    Yes, we can be ABSOLUTELY SURE that a HUNDRED YEARS from now , even a THOUSAND YEARS or MORE from now ,
    we WILL be able to look back and say, " I definitely chose the course of real success ! "

    WBT$ GraveYard..


    Successful JW`s..

    .............................. mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Finkelstein

    " I definitely chose the course of real success ! "

    Part of the instilled marketing program that the WTS. has created for itself is that if you live by their guidance and control you'll

    have a much happier life now and you'll also be able to attain future everlasting life by not being destroyed at Armageddon.

    And then the proceeding indoctrination continues on in training and creating more people to be

    their own set about sales representatives.

    Its called free capitalism in the realm of religious expression.

  • OnTheWayOut

    You could say to anyone that throws such statements out there, "Do you suppose they were just as confident 98 years ago that we would surely be in paradise in 100 years?"


    I have heard " The end will come in our lifetime " twice in 1 month. The first instance was from the Circuit or District overseer at a convention. The second was today during the public squawk.. I guess all the asking for money is in preparation for the end??

  • FingersCrossed

    In paragraph 17 on pg. 8 it states , " Jesus said, " He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. "

    Since the JWs are supposed to live forever and never die but everyone dies, so "will be saved" from what?

  • perfect1

    Liars lie.

  • wasblind

    I love the way OUTLAW dress up a thread


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