we cannot grasp fully and with certainty "facts" beyond our academic credentials.
It's more than a tad naive to presume that someone "cannot" understand something merely because they don't have a piece of paper.
WE ARE FIGHTING THE WRONG BATTLE because it cannot be won.
It's for the benefit of the other readers, not to 'save' the apologists.
TERRY'S TEST: Any discussion debate or argument over "facts" which includes one side or the other employing the word "ridiculous" IS A COMPLETE WASTE OF EVERYBODY'S TIME.
Showing the truth about the delusional JW chronology can (and has) help(ed) some people get out from the religion's hold. That's surely of more benefit than the hypothetical pseudo-intellectual 'discussions' I've seen on some other threads (though there's nothing wrong with those threads even if they're no better use of a person's time). Other than that, use of the word 'ridiculous' (or any other word) does not automatically trivialise a discussion about facts. So your objection seems little more than argument from fallacy, argument from intimidation, with a smattering of appeal to pride.