The Gentile Times Reconsidered (607 B.C.E.) -Part A1 - Jeremiah 25:10-12 Reviewed

by FaceTheFacts 259 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    But the fact is, it CAN be understood if the effort is expended in understanding it.

    Let me clarify, please.

    What CAN be understood is whatever explanation that appeals to your presuppositions. Why? Because whatever "facts" you assemble appeal to your bias.

    But, let's be real. The Bible DOES NOT teach chronology. No argument is presented in scripture proving 1914 or asserting a date for the fall of Jerusalem.

    What does that leave you with? It leaves you with 20th century crackpot assertions about chronology (some of them "proved" by the Great Pyramid).

    Now, how many people were convinced the Great Pyramid was "God's witness in stone?" Not people with two heads, I assure you!

    I'll tell you who believed: people who thought it sounded wonderful and who shivered with delight when all those measurements (in pyramid inches) came together to pinpoint "actual dates" in history!

    Except that IT DIDN'T!!

    Arguing with fools makes us a fool.

  • Terry

    I happen to like researching and talking (or having a good ol' ding-dong) about this subject. For some who are trying to negotiate their way around all the dizzying details, it is not a waste of time but something very helpful to them. How do I know? People email and say so. I may one day get to the stage when I'm done with it, but for now I'm enjoying the ride.

    I know somebody who makes artwork out of gluing bits of colored macaroni on cardboard. They say the same thing! Should we argue that it "isn't art"? Why bother?

    I'll bet you could people to e-mail you and agree that Bigfoot drives Elvis to local Sonic for a burger and shake. Would that corroborate anything?

    I'm not picking on you or anybody else. I'm not trying to stifle research or say that any subject is off limits.

    I'm saying there are BETTER TARGETS which are provable while this target is NOT provable and not disprovable because, in the final analysis you are dealing with emotional belief in Authority.

    Why not set about undermining the entire structure of Jehovah's Witnesses by tackling their claim that THE BIBLE is the source of God's plan for mankind.

    That one has tons of disproof that will topple everything built upon it.

    I'm just saying, picking a fight with a moron will not repay the effort. The best you can hope for is that people will say, "Did you hear? Old so-and-so bested a moron in a debate"

    Now that's a real accomplishment to be proud of.

    Such fights destroy the weaker person and make you a bully.

    Don't we want to NOT FURTHER DAMAGE these people and at least allow them to consider that Ex-JW's actually care about them as people?

    Beating them over the head won't accomplish anything positive.

    Try empathy for a few moments instead.

    The real issue is TRUST!

  • jgnat

    A self-imposed confidence is foolhardy. - Terry

    A self-imposed lack of confidence is a waste. - j

    I have a high school education and a couple college courses under my belt. Am I qualified?

    I'm also a lifetime reader with a thorough grasp of the English language, confident enough to tackle Confucious (translation) and Feynman.

    It took me a couple years to realize that academic fluff can hide a fool. It was not my comprehension at fault; it was the author! Good, clear writing is evidence of a good, clear mind. The most complex subjects can be understood if written well, or translated from that academic fluff I mentioned.

    Jeffro, AnnOmaly, and Londo 111 have done a commendable job of clarifying a confusing subject. It gets darn confusing if someone's faith insists on jamming in twenty years where they don't exist.

  • jgnat

    Destroy? Huh? How about wake up? There's more than one way to skin a cat, Terry.

  • Terry

    Jeffro, AnnOmaly, and Londo 111 have done a commendable job of clarifying a confusing subject. It gets darn confusing if someone's faith insists on jamming in twenty years where they don't exist.

    We often tend to find clarity when we read something with which we already agree. JGnat, Jeffor, AnnOmaly and Londo 111 are already enlightened.....for them clarity is easier than for those apologists

    who come from a different set of standards. I wouldn't count any of this thread as "clarity" until you've convinced your apologists of something!

    Preaching to the choir doth not a good sermon make:)

    Remember, the only point I'm really offering is that this is a an impractical waste of time if you want to budge a convinced JW!

  • PSacramento
    If you've been there, got the dvd and t-shirt and don't want to bother wasting any more of your precious time on it, DON'T. I happen to like researching and talking (or having a good ol' ding-dong) about this subject. For some who are trying to negotiate their way around all the dizzying details, it is not a waste of time but something very helpful to them. How do I know? People email and say so. I may one day get to the stage when I'm done with it, but for now I'm enjoying the ride.

    Honestly Ann, you are one of the few that I make sure to read your posts whenever you post.

    Just want to say thank you for all your hard work and research and that it is gretaly appreciated.

  • Londo111


  • Terry

    How about wake up? There's more than one way to skin a cat, Terry.

    Do we want to skin them or help them find their way out to a neutral corner?

    I've actually never seen any such person admit they lost an argument because some bright soul had more facts and a better explanation.

    Have you? If so, I'd love to read about it!

  • jgnat

    Give FTF a few months.

  • Jeffro


    I wouldn't count any of this thread as "clarity" until you've convinced your apologists of something!

    You just don't get it. I directly stated earlier that such discussions are more for the benefit of other readers rather than trying to enlighten the apologists. This goal is achieved quite often.

    As for the motives of the apologists themselves, I don't really care.

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