Sab: When I publish my stuff it will be a blog and will be free for anybody who wants to read it. I am content making my money selling my body on the street.
Even when it dont quite succeed, it never truly fails!
by Band on the Run 133 Replies latest watchtower bible
Sab: When I publish my stuff it will be a blog and will be free for anybody who wants to read it. I am content making my money selling my body on the street.
Even when it dont quite succeed, it never truly fails!
In your little ditty about scientific opinion, sab, you neglected to mention the scientific testers, who check the validity of the hypothesis. I am most interested in their results.
Really, jgnat? I could get a publishing deal pretty easily. I abstain because they are devils (1 Tim 6:10).
Really, Sab. That scriptures doesn't say publishing houses are devils. If you were a decent person and could get a deal so easily, you could 100% direct the money to a charity. Please don't pretend the Bible says things it doesn't, like publishing houses are devils or that the Torah mentions genetics.
Right now information is being delegated by the wrong entities and the lack of quality shows. It's despicable to me that I have to pay money to read details I need to know in order to make an informed decision. It can all be free and available to the people, but greed gets in the way, like usual.
That is not true. Ignorance is yours to change. Instead, you choose to complain about others and wallow in the ignorance.
If you want an exhilarating ride based in science he's your man.
Outside of a drunken bar argument, there really is no single authoritative opinion. He's a man in that genre, not THE man. And really, it should be person, not man, unless you want to be sexist about it.
I tend to disagree simply because science never says it has the answer, but only the best one while factoring in all known evidence. Therefore, any concrete answer is going to exist side by side with a bunch of ideas that could be the actual answer, but lack the evidence.
This shows that you have zero understanding of how science works.
The problem right now is that that relationship goes through too many analog methods which makes it expensive and hinders the educative process. Without the middle men (publishing firms) the relationship between expert and layperson will be much more effective in regards to education. The internet fixes this problem, but the problem of greed is a brick wall.
No one is stopping you from educating yourself for free except yourself. You are literally all the bricks in the wall. It takes work on your part to better yourself, and it's hard work. The easy and lazy path is to bitch about how everyone else is the problem.
When I publish my stuff it will be a blog and will be free for anybody who wants to read it. I am content making my money selling my body on the street.
1 Timothy 6:10. Money, Sab? You will sell out for money? EVIL!
Free education:
Awesome link, jgnat!
There is always the old standby, too, the library, that big building with books in it.
Great idea jgnat. I've been doing a little research on free college education sites since reading about it in a Time article a couple of months ago. MIT, Harvard, Yale, Stanford and a few other colleges and educational organizations are offering a lot of courses. You can't get college credit for any of theses online classes (you may get a certificate of completion) but I think it's a cool idea to get one's feet wet if one has never taken a college course or just want to learn something new and expand the mind.
Here's a few more links:
Really, Sab. That scriptures doesn't say publishing houses are devils. If you were a decent person and could get a deal so easily, you could 100% direct the money to a charity. Please don't pretend the Bible says things it doesn't, like publishing houses are devils or that the Torah mentions genetics.
You are really good at this I have to admit. No, I couldn't direct all the money at charities, I could only direct the money the publishing house gave me. My issue is with the whole process and giving my money to charity would not satisify the moral dilemma (ie I still wouldn't be able to sleep at night). Also, I never said that 1 Timothy speaks specifically about publishing houses. Publishing houses are greedy and always will be no matter how much they try not to. This is because of the model they operate on. When someone wants to publish something they should just write it and then publish it on the internet for free. They will make substantially less money for their work, but it will be available to anyone with the internet around the world. That's the world I work towards, a world without greedy people. The love of money means taking more than is reasonable.
That is not true. Ignorance is yours to change. Instead, you choose to complain about others and wallow in the ignorance.
Outside of a drunken bar argument, there really is no single authoritative opinion. He's a man in that genre, not THE man. And really, it should be person, not man, unless you want to be sexist about it.
This shows that you have zero understanding of how science works.
The reason why you don't understand my science is because it's beyond yours. Almost like I am from the future and you are from the past. It would be like telling people in the past to stop bleeding people to death while trying to save their life. They would say, "you don't understand science" and then their patient would expire.
No one is stopping you from educating yourself for free except yourself. You are literally all the bricks in the wall. It takes work on your part to better yourself, and it's hard work. The easy and lazy path is to bitch about how everyone else is the problem.
I am educating myself for free and have been for quite some time. Even so, I sometimes purchase DVD's like this one which are worth the education for the money spent. I don't get your point, do you have one?
1 Timothy 6:10. Money, Sab? You will sell out for money? EVIL!
That scripture is about the love of money, not just making it. Publishing houses LOVE money and this can be seen by the propaganda they spew out on a regular basis. Like sheep to the slaughter writers greedily aim towards the New York Times Best Seller List. Such as the book being reviewed in this thread for instance. It's targeted at a secular audience that wish to confirm their bias about the Torah in relation to Christ. They want to divorce YHWH from Christ by saying he's just like any other bronze age savage god. Agenda, agenda, agenda, tsk tsk. I personally try to avoid junk food, but we all have free will.
There are tons of articles online about self publishing.
Get over yourself and publish already.
As for making money, don't corporations have to eat too?
Publishing houses are greedy and always will be no matter how much they try not to. This is because of the model they operate on.
So you work for free? You sold your businesses at a loss to be nice?
The reason why you don't understand my science is because it's beyond yours. Almost like I am from the future and you are from the past. It would be like telling people in the past to stop bleeding people to death while trying to save their life. They would say, "you don't understand science" and then their patient would expire.
I don't understand it because there is no such thing as "your science". It's just more evidence that you would rather complain about the world rather than work to improve yourself. It's intellectually lazy.
I am educating myself for free and have been for quite some time. Even so, I sometimes purchase DVD's like this one which are worth the education for the money spent. I don't get your point, do you have one?
You need a tutor.
That scripture is about the love of money, not just making it. Publishing houses LOVE money and this can be seen by the propaganda they spew out on a regular basis. Like sheep to the slaughter writers greedily aim towards the New York Times Best Seller List.
So you work for free? You are a writer, you just defined yourself as a greedy sheep to the slaughter.
What do you write? When? How often? Is it proofread? Fact-checked?