GENESIS- Adam, Eve, Noah, etc. and Original Sin

by Band on the Run 133 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jgnat

    There is no such thing as science fiction purposefully designed to be implausible. - sab

    Oh, sab. You are talking to a sci-fi affectionado. You are wrong. There's hard sci-fi based on hard science, and then there's soft sci-fi, like the works of Andre Norton.

  • EntirelyPossible

    There is no such thing as science fiction purposefully designed to be implausible. It would then just be fiction instead of scifi.

    Isn't it just sab when people have to resort to using fiction as a bedrock for proving their ideas rights? Like, "something in sci fi could be real, therefore my ideas are right", completely ignoring the fact that made up up stuff is in no way proof of other made up stuff?

    I personally would love to meet this challenge, but I don't have enough faith that God gives a hoot about your shirt.

    Or, apparently, caring that his followers end up looking like chumps when they claim special insight and the suddenly have performance issues.

    No, but the first book is named Genesis which contains the root word meaning "origin."

    So, no, you've failed. Got it. (PS, genetics are not the origin of humanity).

    I personally don't subscribe to literal interpretations of anything in the Torah besides Genesis 1:1.

    Look man, all I am saying is the you claim the Torah talks about genetics and that word isn't there. I am saying the serpent literally is a penis and there are tons of verses about wangs and weiners there.

  • sabastious
    Oh, sab. You are talking to a sci-fi affectionado. You are wrong. There's hard sci-fi based on hard science, and then there's soft sci-fi, like the works of Andre Norton.

    This is just semantics from a connoisseur of literature. I AM a sci fi writer btw (unpublished because publishing houses are the devil). Science fiction has been so incredibly successful that it has broken up into many subtypes. All in all you need to consult science on your major story elements or else you are not going to sell many books in the genre. Which is what it's all about in the end.

    Isn't it just sab when people have to resort to using fiction as a bedrock for proving their ideas rights? Like, "something in sci fi could be real, therefore my ideas are right", completely ignoring the fact that made up up stuff is in no way proof of other made up stuff?

    When did I say my ideas were right? I think they are and I use myself as an authority.

    Or, apparently, caring that his followers end up looking like chumps when they claim special insight and the suddenly have performance issues.

    No, that's not the way it works at all. You see, God does what he wants and no one dictates to Him (not even me!). You can make an honest request, but it has to have the right intentions. If you get snubbed by God it's always because of something inside YOU rather than the other way around. Isaiah 40 comes to mind:

    13 Who can fathom the Spirit of the Lord ,
    or instruct the Lord as his counselor?
    14 Whom did the Lord consult to enlighten him,
    and who taught him the right way?
    Who was it that taught him knowledge,
    or showed him the path of understanding?

    Which connects with Genesis 4:

    In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord . 4 And Abel also brought an offering—fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, 5 but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast.

    6 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”

    Each and every time we get snubbed by God, whether it be me trying to prove your shirt, or you asking for your shirt to be proven the answer is always the same. God is right and we are wrong and we must rule over whatever it is inside us that directs us away from the truth which is always REVEALED by God.

    So, no, you've failed. Got it. (PS, genetics are not the origin of humanity).

    Right, the Big Bang is the origin of humanity. That's why I said Genesis is about all origins which includes genetics. You don't believe genetics isn't an origin, right? I mean the "gene" is right there for both of us to see.

    Look man, all I am saying is the you claim the Torah talks about genetics and that word isn't there. I am saying the serpent literally is a penis and there are tons of verses about wangs and weiners there.

    A penis is not a wild animal no matter how much you want to spin it.


  • bohm

    Sab: Take the great scifi writer Michael Crichton for example who wrote the story Jurassic Park .

    (coffee all over the monitor)

    Crichton was at best an average writer, his famale characters was entirely 1 dimensional.

    As for the science part of the science fiction, he pretty much took all the ideas out of of Carnosaur.

  • sabastious
    Crichton was at best an average writer, his famale characters was entirely 1 dimensional.

    Crichton was a scientist first and a writer second. His characters were written specifically to be adapted for action movies. What makes him one of the greatest of all time are his scientific themes and their realism, not his characters. The characters were actually given more life when they were adapted to flim which I suspect was by design.


  • jgnat

    A legend in your own mind, I see. Not even the satanic publishers of this stuff understands you. Read a novel by Andre Norton and get back to me.

  • EntirelyPossible

    This is just semantics from a connoisseur of literature. I AM a sci fi writer btw (unpublished because publishing houses are the devil). Science fiction has been so incredibly successful that it has broken up into many subtypes. All in all you need to consult science on your major story elements or else you are not going to sell many books in the genre. Which is what it's all about in the end.

    Sour grapes is the root of the issue, jgnat.....

    When did I say my ideas were right? I think they are and I use myself as an authority.

    They aren't and you aren't.

    No, that's not the way it works at all.

    It did in the Torah.

    Right, the Big Bang is the origin of humanity. That's why I said Genesis is about all origins which includes genetics. You don't believe genetics isn't an origin, right? I mean the "gene" is right there for both of us to see.

    It is? Hmm, still can't find that word in the Torah. Looks like you are still making stuff up, crackerjack.

    A penis is not a wild animal no matter how much you want to spin it.

    You must not be using it right, then.

  • mrsjones5

    A penis is not a wild animal no matter how much you want to spin it.

    You must not be using it right, then.


  • bohm

    sab: " Crichton was a scientist first and a writer second."

    His contribution to science was to take the ideas from Carnosauer and set them in a themepark?

  • mrsjones5

    Carnosaur (1984) is a horror novel written by Australian author John Brosnan, under the pseudonym of Harry Adam Knight. A film adaptation was made in 1993 by Adam Simon.

    The novel bears several similarities to Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park, though Carnosaurpreceded the latter work by six years. Brosnan feared that the public would have thought that his Gollancz reissue of Carnosaur would have been seen as a plagiarism to Jurassic Park. He admitted he liked the scene in the Crichton novel film adaption involving dinosaurs rampaging through a museum, as it bore direct similarities to an incident featured inCarnosaur. [1]

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