So you work for free? You sold your businesses at a loss to be nice?
I am for a free market system and I do not believe we currently have one. I am an advocate of the open source model.
I don't understand it because there is no such thing as "your science". It's just more evidence that you would rather complain about the world rather than work to improve yourself. It's intellectually lazy.
Now this is an interesting accusation. From my own perspective the reason I am in this thread is because I am following the words of the Dalai Lama when responding to Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D., evolution biologist . He said that the world needed critical thinking followed by action. As you have seen in the past I am highly critical of scientists such as Dawkins and Krauss because of their anti-God agenda (they'd probably deny they have one, however). Now we have great minds such as Karen Armstrong joining this petty dispute. The Jews have been saying they are chosen for thousands of years and they are never going to stop saying it. They will always be the People of the Book in my humble opinion. That "book" was a precursor to what brought forth the Messiah that sparked Christianity. What you see as "intellectually lazy" is actually just my science that opposes your own. It's my science vs your science and one wins out in the end. We should be able to be civil about it while remaining confident in one's own work. I don't really believe that science should ever have a capital S nor should nothing have a capital N.
I don't want the Nothing to overtake the universe, I'd rather eat rocks.
So you work for free? You are a writer, you just defined yourself as a greedy sheep to the slaughter. What do you write? When? How often? Is it proofread? Fact-checked?
I work for free for myself. I already said if I ever choose to publish something it will be in the form of a blog. Details are for ironing out.