GENESIS- Adam, Eve, Noah, etc. and Original Sin

by Band on the Run 133 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PSacramento

    The issue of equal rights is still not that clear cut I think.

    ARe we talking equal rights for all or equal rights among equals?

  • jgnat

    I didn't say settled, I said progressive. Are you suggesting, perhaps, that some of the initiatives to promote equal right for women are misguided?

  • PSacramento
    Are you suggesting, perhaps, that some of the initiatives to promote equal right for women are misguided?

    I've never been a fan of forcing equality because it can't be forced.

    DId you see my thread about girls outperfroming boys in school?


    jgnat "...regardless of the glittering exceptions, women were not equal under the law."

    You should try living in the UK. Women have taken over and rule this island. We even have a queen - and I don't mean Elton John.


    Re: the topic of this thread. Most people now view these stories as analogical.

    Just to make sure I knew what that means I looked it up, so all the hard work has been done for you.

    Analogical - expressing, composed of, or based on an analogy; "the use of a metaphor" figurative, non-literal (used of the meanings of words or text)

    not literal; using figures of speech; "figurative language."

  • tec
    Just to make sure I knew what that means I looked it up, so all the hard work has been done for you.

    Lol... thank you ;)

    I think that these stories are spiritual truths described in a limited and physical language. We don't always have the words to describe something that we have not seen/discovered/documented ourselves. Sometimes metaphor can help us see, using something that we do know. And sometimes errors are bound to ensue as people in their misunderstanding.. put IN what they think should be there. Such as snake, and the thinking that the 'snake' in Eden is a snake such as we know it. Rather than a spirit/seraph/angel (as is Satan).

    I have found that looking through Christ, helps bring the meaning and lesson into focus. If you cannot see Christ and what He teaches in a lesson about God, then you have probably 'missed' the lesson/meaning.



  • jgnat

    I saw your thread, PSacramento, and I am aware of the trend. There are other areas where the trend is the other way.

    We are now well off the original intent of this thread. If it is OK with you, I'll continue gender inequality in education on your other thread.


    Yes tec - metaphor is another word that is used in regard to the Bible. As a Jehovah's Witness I was reared to view the Bible as literal and inerrant, which led to me becoming increasingly cynical about its value. Now I take a more poetical approach to holy books.

  • PSacramento

    AS I posted on the frist page, the whole notion of taking Genesis as literal AND concrete was not soemthing that every theologian of the past did and, to be honest, it seems more of a fundamentalist thing, it certianly isn't based on church tradition so much.

  • AGuest
    Technically, if neither male nor female exists, then equality cannot exist between the sexes. It is logically impossible

    I agree; no sexes, no equality "between sexes"...

    Just to clarify, though ('cause Shelby's hates it when people who have NO idea pretend to "know" her... ), Shelby doesn't believe in dominion of men over women OR domination of men over women. Or vice versa. Indeed, Shelby has posted enough on this site that even if one doesn't know Shelby one should at least know that. As far as Shelby is concerned, there is neither male nor female (as she posted) in the sense that, contrary to the false teachings of many who profess to be of the Body of Christ... males are nothing MORE than females and females are nothing MORE than males... and neither are LESS than the other... within that Body of Christ: BOTH bring "something" to the Body to make it COMPLETE, as was the case from the start.

    Shelby is also an equal opportunity missive-ist: to the person who deserves such from her, male AND female... she will speak the truth. If that truth is perceived as a missive... by a male OR female... perhaps the recipient(s) should ask themselves what prompted such.

    Please note, though, that neither Shelby... nor her avatar... sports a "head covering." Shelby doesn't because she doesn't follow Paul... and her Lord has never directed to her to wear a head-covering. True, it took her a minute to get past that some years ago, but that was due to her desire to not stumble the strong pride and egos of the men she spoke with... or the tender consciences of women who might be present at the time. But her Lord got her over THAT many... many... years ago, by telling her to let HIM worry about the pride, ego, and consciences of such ones.

    Shelby's avatar... and it's "head-covering" (what??!!) is a cartoon created by the forum when it changed formats. Shelby had absolutely NO choice in that depiction at all. The system chose it. And Shelby is of the mind that both the system... and the creator of it... and every other poster here... are probably ROTFL their hineys off that someone even thought (1) that her avatar even has a "head-covering," (2) that she CHOSE it, (3) that the thingy IS a "head-covering", and (4) the exact same thingy is over the "head" of another poster's avatar... yet, apparently isn't considered a "head-covering" in that case - .

    Even so, Shelby's comments as to the need for discrimination and unequality in this world... well, in HER country, at least... was one of the FIRST things she learned in law school... because currently "equality" is based on very specific things which are NOT the same in all places. One of these things is age; however, we discriminate on the basis of age ALL THE TIME. We have to, indeed must... because some have not attained an age where we can ALLOW them equality. For example, drinking, driving, owning and using guns... etc.

    Shelby is sorry if some here weren't unable to see past their own noses... and READ what she posted... but could only think in terms of what THEY might have meant/understood and so implied (heck, even stated) a wrong motive to her. She believes that the INTELLIGENT thing to do, perhaps, when one isn't SURE... is to ask. Rather than jump to unintelligent conclusions. Because, Shelby doesn't believe she should "dumb down" anything for anyone; indeed, she has been harangued as expecting others to do so for HER (which she absolutely does NOT expect).

    So, okay... that's all Shelby has to say on the matter... except, maybe, thank you for putting her name out there, yet again - although she doesn't really care for it, she understands how there may be some here who, well, actually kinda LOVE her name... would seem so given how often they [need/desire to] use/invoke it, so... out of love she only wishes to accommodate those who have such love... and need... and desire. She hopes that her use of it here is sufficient to "hold" such ones for a bit and sate their need/desire... so that perhaps NO ONE will have to use it again, but allow her avatar name ("AGuest" for those who may have forgotten that) suffice. If not, she understands - she likes her name, too.

    A slave of Christ,


  • tec

    Third person narration seems an appropriate response when you are being spoken of by someone as if you are not present.



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