I was apart of clicks. I ran the mic's and the sound box for a couple years. I worked behind the magazine counter for a number of years. I was "exemplary" for a several years. Now and then I was invisible towards the end. This last congregation I was in before I left in Longmont Colorado, the Mountain View Cong was the shittiest one with the most clicks and backbiters I had ever been apart of. The elders didn't - and from what I still see - don't give a shit about anyone but themselves and the other MS and ones reaching out. I'm sure it was like this in the other cong's I had been apart of but they never showed it like this Mountain View Cong. For several years before I left we would get new elders that would come in then after 6 to 12 months they would leave to a neighboring cong. SO many in the territory would leave to go to the neighboring congs. I remember there were "local needs" where essentially they said stop picking on us.
What Was Your "Status" Within The Organization?
by minimus 91 Replies latest jw friends
The wife and I got invited to BBQ's or dinners 6 weekends in a row one summer. It wasn't because everyone loved us (although we were liked) but rather because I was an elder. Climbing the blind-follower-slave ladder had its privileges. Hard to tell what they really thought of me. I like to think they cared. But nobody calls once you fade. Luckily, I like it that way.
The mere fact that the question can be asked and replied to, shows that something is very wrong with the Borganisation. It is a meritocracy, not a loving family
Born in. 3rd generation. Pioneer. Bethelite. Served where the need was great. Elder. Heritic (anti-pedophile +anti- Molech/GB worship) Moved and faded.
finally awake
I was never included in social events unless the whole congregation was invited. no one ever called me just to chat. I think I was always viewed with suspicion because I worked and just Ron was the stay at home dad
I was a respected elder for many years until I resigned.
Was always in the click. Spoke at CA's and DA's.
I was seen as a bit of rebel when I was younger, but could give reasonable talks and was OK on the service, which was enough for me to be appointed a MS and eventually an elder.
I was never much of a socialite, and was regarded a little eccentric. As a family we weren't part of the popular clique. but would occassionally get invited to things as the token elder and family.
The few freinds we did have were close and felt special.
when I married the JW wife she started the "dinner party" phase which I couldn't stand, after about a couple of years of these boring pointless gatherings I put my foot down , she asked me one day "can I invite bro and sister so and so over for dinner next weekend" I'd reply invite who you like , I wont be here.
Amelia Ashton
I am so invisible no-one has noticed I haven't been to a meeting for nearly 4 years.
I was a wife of an elder, but we were unscripturaly divorced. I was blamed, because we were not allowed to share the details of our problems. I was shunned, left, remarried a nonbeliever, got df'd, etc. Later, after reinstatement, I was a low hour publisher, up until I abruptly left two years ago.