Let's just put it this way- I was a very involved Jehovah's Witness who was given a lot of assignments and duties. Things the WT leaders wanted us to call " privileges ". It was more like slavery, which was not good. I've enjoyed my life and " status " if you want to call it that- more so these last 9 years of being OUT of the Witnesses because my " status " now is that I have freedom of mind and enjoy helping others attain freedom of mind as well. It's truly fulfilling. Peace out, mr. Flipper
What Was Your "Status" Within The Organization?
by minimus 91 Replies latest jw friends
I agree with you and also get the same sense that some on this forum tend to regard former elders and bethelites as somehow more "important". People can think what they want.
I only regard their stories (especially former bethelites) as particularly interesting because they saw behind the scenes. Nothing more.
When I was growing up I was the "poster boy" who was in assembly dramas and interviews. I was a MS at 21 (married) and I had special privileges with a hearing impaired group...(no it's not me in the masturbation video). Prior the the elder arrangement I was assistant book study conductor and I would get a call to take any of the groups at a time when there was no fixed schedule for the book study...(remember those days when one group would finish their book and review for a few weeks to let other groups catch up). I was also the go-to guy to help pioneers learn a foreign language, help them move, fix their car...you know the drill. I never qualified as an elder...but I gave public talks and was a book study conductor and with time took care of all the different duties for a MS except for hall maintenance. Looking back I now realized that I worked at 2 jobs all my life but was only paid for one...
El Nunya
Nothing special EVER. Not then, not now. Always on the fringe looking in. Never a part of the whole unless you want to count the crumbs that are fried crisp, hard and black.
I pioneered for ten years and my late husband was an elder for four years and then we left . Hooray
Interesting thread. A lot of very sad stories.
Interesting thread. A lot of very sad stories.
I served everyone I could, especially the weak and vulnerable. Pioneer at 16, conducting the groups for ministry through the week, ms then elder for many years, used at most assemblies, elder schools, most JCs and invited to give talks all over the country. I was approachable and empathetic to all, served as much as I could at the cost of looking after me. I guess therefore my status was "robot with a heart"
Yay, more Dead Beats.
I miss Smash Mouth. Couple 4 or 5 hits then dead. Thanks FlyingHighNow. They remind me of good times in High School.
I love Walking on the Sun, especially when I can see the video, which is very retro like the 1960s of my childhood.
used to be the "go to elder" oh **** will do it just ask him. Oh **** is my favorite elder, I only go to him. **** knows what the right thing to do is.
Since I have asked to be taken off WT conducting, public talks, and conducting bible studies as well as not being a group overseer apparently I have been "demonized" to the publishers by the other elders. Which I can't figure out because they aren't supposed to gossip or betray confidence right?!?!? lol. Anyway IDGS anyway this religion sucks and is full of bs.