What Was Your "Status" Within The Organization?

by minimus 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • eva luna
    eva luna

    Hi FlyingHighNow,

    Well, I did have a perma-seat in the back row, during my last stage.

    Backseat-itis Club....;-)

  • Honesty

    What Was Your "Status" Within The Organization?

    Thoroughly deceived.

  • Kojack57

    I was an elder for 3 years. It didn't take me long to see they were all freeking hypocrites. From the greatest to the least.


  • JWOP

    Born-in, second generation. My family was loving, but low on finances, so we had no prestige. I was just one of the herd until I turned into a filthy rotten apostate and was DF'd.

  • Borges

    Born in, third generation. My father was an elder since the late fiftees, bethelite and SP. Always lived near german bethel. So my family is well known in the leading circles of the german branch. German branch overseer is a good friend of my parents (and in the same cong.) My three brothers are still elders. I was an elder for almost ten years, twenty years of full- timme service (bethel, pioneer at home and overseas).

    One of the last things my dad said to me (before he quit any contact): "There are hundreds of brothers and sisters waiting for you to come back." Maybe a bit exaggerated, but in deed I had a very good standing and was liked by many people.

    But that is worth nothing, because the same people now are spreading lies about me and entertain themselves with wild speculations about what I'm doing and how Satan has got my on his fork.

  • prologos

    As a bible-only student I once had the highest position in the ORG. Mark 10:40 by command of the Head himself. I had all these slaves.

    As a socially naive special pioneer was assigned to defuse personality conflicts that had paralized sick congregations. as an out-of -the-box thinker gave talks at all CC and DC for decades. went from CS through the elder rotation and on. Was invited to join the CO family, but declined, could not live that organized life, have my own to live.

    family problems and its effects let to my exiting the ruling class (the best day in my life).

    My freewheeling comments let to me being totally silenced. now really puzzeld, all my slaves are acting as rulers. Waiting for Mark 10:40 to become reality and enjoying my 9th decade to the full. thank you.

  • smiddy

    I was a convert ,and after some years became a ms ,yet resisted becoming an elder due to my not wanting to take on THAT responsibility .

    Knowing what I know now thank ( well I cant thank GOD because I dont beleive in him /her ) my lucky stars ?

    In all the ,at least 5 congregations we have been associated with nobody ,and I mean nobody ,has ever enquired about my spirituality or my wifes spirituality , and with a couple of contacts I have made with jw`s in the last couple of years ,no mention of religion on both sides ,nobody has ever

    inquired or asked about our welfare , even spiritual status ,


  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    I miss Smash Mouth. Couple 4 or 5 hits then dead. Thanks FlyingHighNow. They remind me of good times in High School.

  • Pterist

    Viewed as weak, wifey was not a JW or any family. Missed meetings. Questioned everything ! Gave Watchtowers out free at doors but was told " if they have money for smokes, they have money for the mags".


  • just Ron
    just Ron

    Invisible until some one wanted something fixed.

    just Ron

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