I was raised in the "Truth", was a MS at 20. Before then, i was used as an "assistant" and did whatever the Ms's were doing. At 24, I was the youngest appointed elder in the District. By 27, I was the Presiding Overseer. Then had some issues in the congregation, and to make a long story short, I was made an elder in a new Hall, became Secretary and eventually left!
What Was Your "Status" Within The Organization?
by minimus 91 Replies latest jw friends
Pink sapphire
It was exemplary until I turned 18, pioneered through my final s hool exams and after, always on platform for field service experiences and usually had a part every assembly. It all changed at 18.
I was considered exemplary. Pioneer at the age of 19. MS at the age of 20. Always giving talks. In a congregation of 120 seemed like I was on the platform every meeting. Always asked to fill in when people wouldn't show up. Gave public talks at other congregations. Did a part on the TMS for the assembly.
The PO tried desperately to get me to go to Bethel but I refused. Another elder said "Nah, I can't see him at Bethel. He's gotta go to MTS and help where the need is greater!" Barf. If I had followed in that route I'm sure I would have been assigned to some congregation in the middle of nowhere and appointed an elder. Probably at the age of 26 or 27. That is my guess.
Very good Witness girl...then marked for going to college. Gradually faded in my early 20's. I was never disfellowshipped so I continue to represent a conundrum to my Witness relatives at family events..."should we talk to her?"
Ex-Elder, for a few years, stepped down for burnout and other personal reasons. Sometime ago I was made a MS and I'm always getting "encouragement talks" to seek reinstatement as Elder.
My "status" within that sham of a religion was un-enviable. You can't win if you are a single working woman and won't allow yourself to be victimized by all the users there!
Even though I had a few friends, I was certainly on the fringes and wasn't in the "IN" crowd. It's NO loss since they were never my friends anyway and I wouldn't look twice at them now.
Pioneer out of HS then School Overseer, MS, Elder, resigned in 1989, inactive after 1995, gone after 1999.
From exemplary to lower than scum overnight.
it hardly matters if you had status of some sort in a cult, eh? At least it doesn't matter to me.
I notice that sometimes folks on JWN seem to still regard former elders and Bethelites as somehow important because of their former roles in the org.